Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Simple delights: an avocado on rye bread

Avocado on rye bread / Avokaadovõileib

If you've been blogging about food for long enough (say for 5 years minimum), you may remember the I LOVE CHEESE SANDWICH campaign back in February 2006 (I contributed this beetroot and goat cheese toast). Somehow I remembered that blog event earlier today, and this inspired me to post a photo of one of my recent favourite quick snacks - an avocado open sandwich. All you need is a slice or two of homemade naturally leavened rye bread, a spreading of butter, a creamy Hass avocado and a sprinkling of Maldon sea salt flakes.

Bliss, I say...

What's your favourite snack in a hurry?


  1. You just described my breakfast to-the-T! Even the Maldon salt (essential). However, I didn't even consider the spreading of some butter- great idea! The best, most simple combination ever.

  2. I love cheese sandwiches too but this avocado one is tempting me too.

  3. Feta cheese with tomato!

  4. Oh yes, I remember the cheese sandwich uproar! To tell the truth I miss those early days of blogging when it felt more like a community. I'm still interested in what people are eating for lunch and this looks great!

  5. Pille I love avocado!!! look amazing! gloria

  6. Ma sööngi avokaadot tavaliselt nii. Kunagi ammu kui avokaadod alles tulid meile müüki, siis ei osanud ma nendega midagi teha. Kõige lihtsam ja maitsvam viis neid tarbida oligi siis nii nagu Sinu postituses kirjas :=)

  7. love avocado's this way, this is my quick snack so often, but I usually pass on the butter. My other 'on bread' favorites are roasted pumpkin with salt and chili flakes (only quick if you actually have the roasted pumpkin at the ready for something else) or rye bread with baba ganouj or hoummus

  8. This is one of my favourite breakfasts, although I make it slightly differently. No butter, but adding fresh cracked pepper and a squeeze of lemon...bliss!

  9. Great post Pille! You inspire us so much. : ))
    My 'quick snack' is usually a kebab sandwich, or fried potatoes + Eggplant drizzled with olive oil and feta cheese. : ))

  10. ahhh! I want it!!! Its good for my body and Im so hungry!


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Thank you so much for taking the time and commenting!
Pille @ Nami-Nami