Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Cod liver paté on toast

Cod liver toast / Tursamaksasalat

I've briefly mentioned cod liver on Nami-Nami previously - here and here, but it deserves a new post :) There are almost no blog posts on the topic - a FoodBlogSearch enquiry ends with plenty of posts about cod liver oil capsules, and just one food blog posts apart from mine, written by Rosie Dequattro (now available only in in cache) and a mention of foie de morue by Clotilde back in 2004 (!). I always keep a can of cod liver chunks in oil in the larder, as it's a great stand-by to have when you have unexpected friends. Or when you simply need a lunch in a hurry.

I got the recipe from my mum, but it's the same universal recipe used in pretty much every cod-liver-loving family in Estonia (or Russia, for that matter, as Rosie's post reveals). I love it on toast, but you can also serve it to fill vol-au-vents or top small crostini.

Cod Liver Paté
(Klassikaline tursamaksasalat)

Cod liver toast / Tursamaksasalat

190 g can cod liver chunks in oil (look for it in Russian markets)
1-2 eggs, boiled, peeled and finely chopped
a small (shallot) onion, finely chopped
salt and freshly ground black pepper

Drain the cod liver, then place in a small bowl and mash with a fork. Add the egg and onion, season with salt and pepper. (You can add some mayonnaise, if you want a smoother paté, but it's not really necessary).
Garnish with fresh herbs (dill, parsley and chives are especially fine here) and serve.


  1. What a neat post! Looking forward for more post from you. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Tegin midagi taolist täna, lõikasin sibula ja muna umbes 2mm tükikesteks ning mikserdasin koos tursamaksaga läbi. Tuli selline ehtne patee. Viilutajaga tegin 0,5 cm leivaviilud ning tegin neist ahjus sellised krõpsud. Patee peale, veidi laimimahla, pipart ja murulauku ning missugune orgia mu suus!


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Pille @ Nami-Nami