Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Media alert: 'Sweet heat'

I picked up a copy of instant café culture lifestyle magazine's August/September 2005 Edinburgh issue when sipping my coffee at Peckham's this morning. Under the 'news bites' section it had a small entry that caught my eye:

Spiced up. Food consultants at this year's International Food Exhibition claimed that 'sweet heat' combinations, such as sweet chilli sauce, chilli jams and chilli chocolate, are one of the biggest growth areas in flavours. Other flavour trends were the use of lavender in dessert sauces and marmalades, green tea in ice cream, cereals, soft drinks and even crisps and the use of flavours such as hibiscus, lychee and myrtle (blueberry).

Here you go. Seems that foodbloggers are a trendy and happening bunch of people, as I have spotted lots of recipes using lavender and green tea recently for instance. Always ahead of the game:)

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