Sunday, September 11, 2005

Foodie postcards: Culinary Daffynitions

No cooking today, but I wanted to show you a sweet postcard I picked up the other day:

Culinary Daffynitions postcard is by a well-known English cartoonist Annie Tempest, and the postcard is printed by Caspari Ltd, Saffron Walden, Essex CB11 3Ap.


  1. Hi Pille, thanks for your comment on my blog ... I really like your blog, especially the lists of cookery books you like, you'd like to have, and the list of where you shop - I'm going to copy those ideas, I hope you feel flattered! I was in Edinburgh last month at the beginning of the Fringe, and we went to Valvona and Crolla, which was lovely, because I had read the book about the deli, and wanted to visit. In fact, we also had dinner there, which was very spoiling, delicious things to eat. I've been cooking more courgettes (marrows, actually), and now I would like to ask you a favour ... last week I was in Stockholm for a wedding, and we had delicious herrings in the smorgasbord - one was prepared rather like gravadlax, another was fried, and anaother was in a mustardy sauce. They were definitely Swedish delicacies, but I wonder whether you have anything like them in Estonian cuisine, and, if so, whether you might post some recipes? Just a thought.

    Best wishes,
    and I'll be bookmarking your blog

  2. Joanna - thanks for popping by! I'm happy to hear that you like my blog - hope you'll come back soon!
    My sidebar has suddenly proved very popular - and of course I'm flattered:) As I said in the "Suggestions, Suggestions" post, it wasn't my idea, but unfortunately I can't remember now where I saw the wish-lists first..
    Valvona & Crolla is such a wonderful place - I sometimes go there with a small amount of cash and leave my plastic at home - otherwise it would be so easy to get carried away with such a huge selection of pasta, oils, condiments, etc..
    Re: herring - would love to help you, but this is a tricky one. First of all, although I do eat fish, herring is not one of them. It's popular in all Northern countries, but the salted/brined herring seems uncooked to me and it's too fishy-smelly. Secondly, the recipes in various Nordic countries are all subtly different - for instance, our closest neighbours Finns like their food always just a bit sweeter, which is strange to Estonians. You may have a look at Anne's Food blog (she's listed on my sidebar), but I'll let you know if I find something as well!

    Paz - I have another very sweet postcard by the same cartoonist that I'll post in late October!


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Thank you so much for taking the time and commenting!
Pille @ Nami-Nami