Friday, March 10, 2006

Chewy Walnut Squares

Lisa over at In a Nutshell claims to be "Nuts About Nuts - Almonds, Cashews, Hazelnuts, Macadamias, Pecans, Pistachios, Walnuts And More". True to her blog name, she recently shared a a recipe for fabulous chewy walnut squares. I made these last weekend, and really loved their - well, wonderful chewy texture and strong nut flavour - and can heartily recommend these.

Chewy walnut squares
(Mõnusad pähkliruudud)
Source: Tina Salter Nuts: Sweet and Savory Recipes from Diamond of California

250 ml coarsely chopped walnuts
125 ml plain flour
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
250 ml brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 egg

Spread the walnuts on a baking sheet and toast at 180˚C oven for 8-10 minutes, shaking the pan every now and then, until the nuts are nicely aromatic.
Line a 20x20 cm cake tin with a foil, so the foil is hanging over the edges. Brush generously with a vegetable oil.
Mix the flour, salt and baking soda in a small bowl.
Mix the sugar, vanilla extract and the egg in another bowl until combined. Fold in the dry mixture, followed by toasted nuts. The batter is rather thick, but persevere and it comes all together.
Spoon the batter into the lined cake tin.
Bake at 180˚C for 20-25 minutes, until the cake is slightly browned at the edges, but still softish in the middle.
Take out of the oven, lift carefully onto a metal rack to cool.
Cut into 5 cm squares with a sharp knife. Remove the foil.

Will keep in an airtight box for up to 5 days.


  1. Mmm, looks really yummy...

  2. Thanks, Dagmar. There is a cake in Estonia with a very similar nut topping, so I'll try this again as a topping on a shortcrust pastry..

  3. I just discovered your "little place" called blog and I will come back now I know the address ...
    I'm sorry I don't remember where I found the link....oops !
    Anyway, I fell in love with those chewy ones...
    Sure they're on my list of blog recipes to rob :) lol

  4. Welcome to my little blog, Thalie! You probably found your way here through Un Dimanche à la Campagne - I got lots of French hits after she made my upside down cranberry cake. In any case, I'm happy you're here and feel free to rob any recipes you fancy:)

  5. I made these 2 weekends ago but so that they didn't fall apart I added another 1/2 cup flour & 25g butter. They were still sticky & delicious. Eldest son loved them & wants me to make them with hazelnuts next time. I'd like to make them with dates or pecans. I think they'd also look good (for Xmas) if melted white chocolate was dribbled on top.

  6. Hi Pene - dates or pecans sound nice, as do hazelnuts or almonds. White chocolate drizzle sounds also wonderful.
    Let me know how your version tastes!


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