Wednesday, August 23, 2006

SHF#22: Faking Cloudberries or How To Make Cloudberry Jam with Gooseberries & Carrots

This is my entry to the latest edition of Sugar High Friday. SHF No# 22: Can You Can? is hosted by Nicky & Oliver of the beautiful Delicious Days blog. Although jam-making, salting cucumbers and preserving in general was an essential part of my childhood late summers and early autumns, my jam-making days have been scant in Edinburgh. I did make some jam last year, including some fabulously tart redcurrant jelly and cinnamon-scented cherry tomato jam evocative of Christmas. I hadn't planned any such kitchen tasks for this year, due to my soon-to-happen return to my homeland. But then I changed my mind..

My recent post about picking cloudberries in Estonia was quite popular, giving me a cheeky idea for this SHF edition. I am aware that sadly these exquisite berries (click on the photo on the right to see them in their full glory) are rather difficult to get hold of in most countries in their fresh form, though IKEA helps to satisfy cloudberry cravings with their cloudberry jam (hjortronsylt) and Lapponia produces a beautiful cloudberry liqueur that really tastes and smells of the real thing. But if none of these are available, then try this jam.

The idea comes from Finland, where this type of jam is known as 'lakattoman lakkahillo' or 'köyhän miehen lakkahillo', the former meaning 'cloudberryless cloudberry jam' and the latter 'poor man’s cloudberry jam'. Although it doesn’t taste like cloudberry jam, it’s a delicious and not overly sweet jam with the honey-orange hue of carrots and seeds from the gooseberries reminding us of the real thing. I've increased the ratio of gooseberries to carrots, and have considerably reduced the amount of sugar in the recipe. If you’re feeling slightly naughty, you may add a dash of Lapponia lakkalikööri to the cool jam.

Fake Cloudberry Jam
(Vaese mehe murakamoos)

500 grams of nice & crisp organic carrots, peeled & coarsely grated
500 grams of red gooseberries, topped & tailed
300 grams of sugar

Put grated carrots and cleaned gooseberries in a large saucepan and add a tiny drop of water (couple of spoonfuls will do). Bring slowly to the boil, releasing juices from carrots and gooseberries, and simmer on a low heat for 30 minutes. Stir regularly to avoid sticking.
Add sugar, simmer for another 15 minutes.
Let stand, covered, for 24 hours.* Bring to the boil again, simmer for 5-10 minutes and then pour into hot sterilised jars.
Keep in a cool place.

Yields 2-3 small jars.

* You can also pour the jam into jars straight away. I find the jam sets slightly better (thicker) when you let it stand and then reheat.


  1. nice nice! Beautiful color! And original!

  2. Okay so what do you substitute for gooseberries that are substituting for cloudberries???? VERY fun post!

  3. Besides fake cloudberry jam my grandmother also makes fake lingonberry jam. She uses rowanberries and apples. Estonians are good at faking jams :D

  4. Hi Pille

    I think I heard that cloudberries also grow in Newfoundland. Unfortunately, I've never seen any in my local grocer's here in yes, I rely on my yearly trip to Ikea to get some clouldberry jam...


  5. Hi - I've just discovered your site through the Jamming session we just had! And also discovered cloudberries... never knew these existed before. So, thanks! I'll be following your blog. :-)

  6. Oh my - this is so great. I have about as much access to gooseberries as I have to cloudberries, unfortunately, so I won't actually be making it soon, but I just love the thought! I have to make do with stocking up at IKEA when I go. I think I bought four jars last time. Also, I tried a gooseberry jam from there for the first time and liked it as much as cloudberry.

    Great post!

  7. this is absolutely dreamy, well done a great entry!

  8. As an outcome of some most serious investigation, I feel obliged to confirm the upmentioned accusations. The jam (although fake) was delicious, it really was. Keep up the good cooking, Pille!

  9. Nothing better then fake jam!
    Well it seems to work anyway; carrots are often used with other sweet ingredients, such as orange. See also, carrot cake.
    Good stuff.

  10. Hi Pille! Lakat are really expensive in Finland this year, so it was nice to see your fake clouberry jam recipe :) Leipäjuusto with lakkahillo is my favorite, gotta try your jam with that!

  11. Bea - thank you. I thought the colour was pretty close to the real thing, too.

    Alanna :) You mean you're having difficulties tracing down gooseberries?? Well, if that's any consolation, then I had to look far and wide in Edinburgh, too. I finally found some at the upmarket Waitrose, whereas back home I could just pop to my mum's garden..

    Thredahlia - haven't made fake lingonberry jam yet, will try this autumn maybe? Will you share your granny's recipe?

    Jasmine - thank god for IKEA. The only crisps I'd ever eat are the sour cream & dill ones, also available at that Swedish store:)

    Ips - welcome to my blog!

    Faith - thank you for your kind words. I'm coming to realise that the abundance of berries - both wild and cultivated - that I'm used to is not universal after all...

    Jenjen - thank you!~

    Johannes - the pleasure was all mine:) I mean, who would have eaten all the food if you and Urmas hadn't been around??

    Scott - good stuff indeed. Apparently carrots & oranges yield an apricot jam?

    Antti - you can buy 200 grams of Finnish lakat for 40 kroons in Estonia (saw some yesterday). You can only find imported ones thHow does that compare with your local price?
    And yes, leipäjuusto ja lakkahillo (or leibjuust ja murakamoos) is a combination made in heaven. Sorry, on/in the clouds..

    Paz - thanks!

  12. I have heard some people making fake cloudberry jam with green tomatoes and carrots. ( I made some with gooseberries and added some apricots ) For lingonberries I substitute carnberries- more available in my neck of the woods


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Pille @ Nami-Nami