Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Some onion recipes at Nami-nami

I'm a great fan of onions, so I was sad to realise that I missed the one-off Onion Day organised by Zorra of 1 x umrühren bitte. I was away in Denmark when she announced the event, hence the delay. However, until I write another proper blog-post, I leave you with two of my favourite onion recipes from the recipe archives:

In January 2006 I wrote about Nigella Lawson's upside down red onion pie, which I had spiked up with some crumbled Irish Cashel blue cheese. A wonderful, heartwarming and successful recipe, like pretty much everything I've tried from the books of the Domestic Goddess.

In March I posted a recipe for stuffed red onions with feta cheese and wild mushrooms, a simplified version of Paul Gayler's recipe for Greek stuffed onions in a feta cheese custard (I skipped the custard bit and changed the stuffing a little).

And soon I'll write about my Danish hostmum's bacon and onion quiche that I became to love while spending almost a year in the little town of Svendborg. Here's a sneak preview:

UPDATE 30.11.2006: Zorra was kind enough to include me in the Onion Day round-up. Read here for a full report - there are 40 onion recipes!


  1. sibul on nämm :)

  2. I had wanted to make stuffed onions for onion day but unfortunately didn't get around to it, I'm glad someone did.

  3. This is a great selection of onion recipes...have been wanting to try that onion pie from Nigella too :)

  4. Those stuff onions look amazing, I bet they were delicious! It's been a while since I have had any but I'll put yours on the menu this weekend!

  5. Pille, I included your recipes in the roundup:

  6. Those stuffed onions look mighty good... And I'd also like to try Nigella's upside-down onion pie. For a starter or a light meal, I like to make pissaladiere, which is also really only for onion fans, but oh so yummy!

  7. Pilleriin - tõepoolest. Kusjuures ma ei söönud kuni 18. eluaastani üldse sibulat. Kui ema praadis sibulaga kartuleid, siis mina haarasin dramaatiliselt uue panni järele ja praadisin endale eraldi. Aga Taanis vahetusõpilane olles hakkasin miskipärast sibulaid armastama ja nt sibulapirukas on mu laual väga tavaline (ja ka sõprade poolt oodatud:)

    Brilynn - stuffed onions are great, I'm thinking of doing something similar for the Xmas table, too.

    Joey - Nigella's onion pie is wonderful, though I do think it benefited from the blue cheese addition:)

    Helene - thanks for your kind words. If you do make them, let me know how you liked them, ok!

    Zorra - thank you for including me!

    Jeanne - you must try Nigella's onion pie! And I should make pissaladiere -haven't made it yet..


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Pille @ Nami-Nami