Friday, December 22, 2006

Copycat: Molly's wonderful chocolate & nut blocks

Here's something you simply MUST make for your Christmas table: Molly's Chocolate & Nut 'blocks'. They're wonderfully tasty, really-really simple to make, and quite elegant. One of those take-five-ingredients type of recipes. They also went down a treat at the party yesterday, and I'm entertaining naughty thoughts of leaving work early today, so I could rush home and quickly devour the few that were left over..

Happy holidays, everyone!

Molly's chocolate and nut 'blocks'

If you prefer to use imperial measurements, then please check out Molly's original recipe. Here's an approximated and metrified (is that a word?) version. Aren't they pretty? :

500 grams of good-quality bittersweet chocolate (I used Bitter from the local Kalev company)
100 grams dried cranberries
100 grams seedless raisins
100 grams salted peanuts
100 grams salted pistachios

Line a 20 cm square dish with parchment paper and brush slightly with mildly flavoured oil. Set aside.

Melt the chocolate in a metal bowl over a pan of barely simmering water, stirring the chocolate occasionally, until melted and smooth.
When chocolate is melted, stir in the nuts, raisins and cranberries until combined. Pour into the prepared pan, spread evenly and smooth the top. Put into a refrigerator for an hour to harden slightly.
Remove from the pan, place the chocolate block on a cutting board. Cut into small 2 cm squares with a sharp knife.
Keep in a cool place, but bring to a room temperature about 30 minutes before serving.


  1. Mmmm, küll see kõlab hästi :) Ei saa mina vist jõulu ajal ka kokkamata jätta.
    Topelttoredad pühadesoovid ka siin!

  2. these look and sound wonderful!

    Merry Christmas!

  3. Fabulous recipe and so easy. Must try these soon.

  4. Oh Pille, I must get *more* chocolate for Christmas :) looks absolutely lovely! Have a lovely Christmas (must be romantic in Estonia...) and happy new year. keiko x

  5. tundub "lollikindlalt lihtne" olevat. proovin seda veel täna teha.


  6. ma tegin ka neid jõuluks, ütleks need olid hirmus menukad :)
    Tõesti head ja lihtsad teha ka.
    Kena aastavahetust Sulle!

  7. Gorgeous, Pille! They look beautiful. I was just reading, too, about all the other treats you made (and / or baked) for Christmas, and they're so impressive...

    Happy New Year to you and yours!

  8. Thredahlia - loodan, et pühad läksid kenasti. šokolaadiruudud said siin igatahes kiiresti otsa, nii et pean varsti taas Bitterit ostma minema:)

    K & S - merry xmas to you, too!

    Mallika - these were super easy indeed!

    Keiko - well, sadly the snow melted after all, so we didn't have white Xmas;( I did have a very romantic Xmas weekend though:)

    Maarja - jep, lollikindlalt lihtne, mitte et see Sinu puhul oluline oleks:)

    Chanit - thank you!

    Kajakas - rõõm kuulda! Ma sain neid kah veel vahepeal ühe sõbranna juures - paistab tõesti popp retsept olevat:)

    Molly - thanks:) Two of my Estonian friends/readers have made these, too, so your recipe is super-popular over here right now:)


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Pille @ Nami-Nami