Saturday, August 25, 2007

Roasted marrow with garlic and dried herbs, alias What to do with an overgrown squash

Cubed and seasoned squash/marrow, ready for roasting.

My mum doesn't get the concept of zucchini/courgettes. She's convinced that bigger is better, so while I was happily harvesting beautiful slim zucchini from my container garden, she was waiting until her zucchini were 'the right size'. 'Right size' in this case means totally overgrown, about 1,5-2 kilograms a piece. No amount of explanation and talking (Mom, these are supposed to be eaten when they're still young and tender, they're not your usual pumpkin/squash!!!) seems to help.

When my dad popped by last weekend to bring us a large bag of my favourite summer apples - Valge Klaar and Suislepp, and some beautiful yellow flowers (all from my mum's garden), he also brought us a huge and overgrown squash/marrow. Way too large for something as delicate as zucchini carpaccio, so I had to come up with something else. Luckily I bumped into this recipe over at the fun The Great Big Vegetable Challenge blog, which I very slightly adapted. And I liked the result.

I think I won't argue with my mum about the 'right' time & size to harvest zucchini. I'll just continue eating my zucchini as zucchini and her 'zucchini' as squash/marrow. Two for the price of one, you know..

Roasted marrow with garlic and dried herbs
(Röstitud kabatšokk küüslauguga)
Serves 4 as a side dish

A fat roasted garlic clove.

1 kg of cubed marrow/squash (weight after de-seeding)
3 Tbsp olive oil
3-4 large garlic cloves
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried basil
1 tsp balsamic vinegar
Maldon sea salt
freshly ground black pepper

Cut the marrow in half lengthwise, then again in half or into quarters lengthwise, depending on the size of the marrow. Cut into 2-3 cm chunks.
Brush a large oven dish slightly with oil, add squash/marrow cubes, herbs, garlic cloves and drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Mix with a wooden spoon or your hands, so everything would be evenly coated.
Roast in a 200C oven for 30-40 minutes, stirring every now and then, until squash/marrow cubes are golden and softened.

Tips for serving: serve as an accompaniment for a grilled meat, or as a vegetarian dish with some good bread. I used the leftover roasted marrow to make a vegetable quiche on the following day, which was delicious, too.

WHB: This is also my entry to the Weekend Herb Blogging, this time hosted by Scott from Real Epicurean (click through to read other WHB entries).


  1. Oh yum! I love, love courgettes!

    PS I am going to link you under my food blogs.

    PSS Have you gotten your hands on the tea glasses?

  2. You can never have too many recipes for what to do with all of the squash that's in season now! I think roasting and grilling are my favorite ways to prepare it.

  3. Oh, that looks so delicious!! and i good recipe to have.

  4. I had a long discussion one day with some British friends who maintain that a marrow is not an overgrown zucchini, but a different squash altogether. No amount of proof would convince them otherwise - including that offered by other Brit's....
    Things we learn in childhood are sacred...
    I like mine young and slender, too, but occasionally they hide under a leaf for a day and Voila! Marrow! So for that day - thanks for the recipe!

  5. I was just given a bunch of marrow from a friend and was wondering what to do with it all! Thanks so much! Beautiful pictures by the way! :)

  6. I didn't know that big zucchini are called marrow. I do have to laugh a bit because no matter what I say, my stepmother insists on letting all the garden vegetables get enormous. It does look like you've totally made the best of this squash though, it looks delicious.

  7. Wow! That top photo is so beautiful with all the yellow. This recipe looks so good.

  8. argh!!! here EVERY grocer seems to have your mum´s opinion. whenever I see a courgette of the size I like I buy three kilos, it´s almost impossible.

  9. Since there always seem to be those folk who think big is better, it's great to have a recipe like this one. Thanks, it looks great.

  10. To those who do not believe that a marrow is an overgrown zucchini... then explain to me why the English call zucchini baby marrows?! :o) I adore absolutely all forms of squash, and roasting them is definitely the way forward. Thanks for such a simple and satisfying recipe Pille :)

  11. Very interesting recipes!
    I have added your blog to my Technorati favourites so I will visit again.
    I roast similar way butternut squash...
    Greetings, Margot

  12. Minagi kuulun suvikõrvitsafännide perre, ja minugi lähisugulane (ema) on seisukohal, et "väike on veel toores", ootame ikka kuni ta korralikuks (=puiseks) kasvab! :D

  13. Maryam - thank you for linking! And adly, no, I haven't got hold of those tea glasses yet. I think I need to come to Marrakesh for them:)

    Lydia - I'm so pleased to realise how easy it's been to grow this vegetable. Next year, when I upgrade from a container garden to a proper garden, I'll be planting several zucchini and squash and marrow plants!

    Valentina - a good recipe indeed!

    Katie - I did a little online research, and it seemed that Brits consider marrow to be an overgrown zucchini/courgette, and Americans a different 'species'. Confusing, for sure!

    Garrett - you're very welcome! I've got two large marrows from my mum again as well:)

    Kalyn - I guess we can agree that it's a "mother's thing" :) I'm not 100% sure, but it seems indeed that a marrow is an overgrown courgette/zucchini.

    Molly - thank you! I loved the yellowness of it all, too:)

    Lobstersquad - that's hilarious! I would have thought that Italian, French and Spanish greengrocers know their courgettes!?!

    Tanna - I know, I know, the old 'size matters' school of thought. Yes, it's a great recipe to have!

    Jeanne - you're welcome! 'Baby marrow' sounds neat, don't you think!?

    Margot - I'm glad you've found your way to Nami-nami and that you like the recipes. Hope to see you again soon!

    Maris - oh, neid emasid küll! No õnneks annab ka suurtest kabatšokkidest üht-teist maitsvat valmistada :)

  14. Hate to contradict everyone but us Brits call zucchini courgettes. An overgrown courgette is still a courgette, just bigger. The difference between a bit courgette and a marrow is a courgette's flesh is much more solid than that of a marrow, marrows being quite watery.


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Pille @ Nami-Nami