Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Just a food photo: Cherry tomatoes

Did you know that cherry tomatoes can be easily grown in a container on your windowsill?
We do. Now :)


  1. Nii kena tomatipott!
    Oi, ma ei jõua päris oma aia tekkimist ära oodata, aga vot siis... oi, siis hakkab nalja saama, peenarde ja konteineritega :P

  2. no, I didn´t. I wonder if it can pass the test of my opposite of green thumbedness?

  3. I had no idea--I'll have to try that next year. Yea!

  4. Fantastiline pilt! Lisaks aednikupõlvele kannavad vilja ka fotoõpingud. ;)

  5. I love this photo Pille!

  6. great shot! love that dress in the background! i started some tomatoes on the windowsill this summer, but couldn't give it enough attention over the summer... i've had some, but the pleasures were shortlived.
    will tray again next year!

  7. That's great because the colder days are wreaking havoc with our chery tomato plants. We'll pull the potted ones inside soon.

  8. Ok I just have to say, I LOVE this photo! It's beautiful. :) I wish I could grow cherry tomatoes on my windowsill too, hmmm wonder if it'll work in this climate?

  9. Thredahlia - aitäh!

    Ximena - LOL:) Next year in Saaremaa we can try some greenfingering, perhaps?

    Homesick Texan - well, if you've got outdoor space, then that's a better option, but yes, they did thrive indoors, too. We nibbled on quite a few for breakfast again today:)

    Evelin - aga pane endale ka järgmisel aastal kasvama!?

    Ka - mmm. Pean tunnistama, et minu roll antud fotol piirdus potialuseks statiiviks olemises:) K. näppis kaamerat sel korral..

    Bea - thank you so much!!

    Johanna - the dress is by an Estonian artist Juss Piho. I love it too, although I prefer the darker painting by him which is on one of the other walls. You'll see when you come:)

    bc - that would be wise indeed!

    Christine - thank you! Sadly, I cannot say if this windowsill-tomato gardening would work in Philippines:(


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Pille @ Nami-Nami