Friday, January 11, 2008

It's Soup! Creamy beetroot soup with horseradish and caraway seeds

You cannot have too many beetroot recipes, can you?

Ok, I know that people who dislike beetroot might disagree with me, but now, in the midst of dark and cold winter, this wholesome root vegetable is a rather heavily used ingredient in our kitchen. We both like it, you see - both the earthy flavour and the gorgeous colour. This particular soup has a definite North-Eastern European feel to it because of caraway seeds and horseradish, so it's quite distinct from the previous beetroot soup recipes I've blogged about (e.g. Beetroot Soup with Goat's Cheese and Delicious Vegetarian Borscht). The recipe is adapted from the sunny Australia, however: Better Homes and Gardens.

Note that I'm obviously in the mood for some horseradish kick these days - it's my third horseradish dish in a week, following the Coconut and Tomato Soup with Horseradish and the Fierce Smoked Mackerel Spread on rye bread.


Creamy Beetroot Soup with Horseradish and Caraway
(Kreemjas peedisupp mädarõikaga)
Serves 4

1 Tbsp vegetable oil (I use rapeseed oil)
1 small onion, chopped
750 grams beetroot, grated coarsely
1 Litre vegetable bouillon
2 tsp caraway seeds, toasted
2 Tbsp grated horseradish (fresh is best, canned will do)
200 ml sour cream
freshly ground black pepper

Heat the oil in a large heavy-bottomed saucepan. Cook the onion over low heat for 10 minutes until soft.
Add the beetroot, vegetable stock and caraway seeds and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer, partially covered, for 40 minutes, until beetroot is very soft.
Leave to cool and process in batches until smooth. (For extra smooth result, press through a fine sieve as well).
Return to the pan and re-heat gently.
Stir in the horseradish and sour cream before serving.
Garnish with a dill sprig.


  1. Beets are one of my favorite vegetables. And they are so colorful too! I have never combined it with horseradish before, but I would just LOVE that.

  2. I admit, I'm not a big fan, but since beets are just about all you can find at the farmer's market these days, I should reconsider my position. Have you tried this with golden beets?

  3. Kas Su mädarõigas on ikka ise valmistatud?

  4. Too many beet recipes? No way, not possible!

    By the way, I decided this morning that the Kitchen Parade logo is not 'pink' as some people call it (to my horror) nor 'raspberry' as the original designer way back when talked me into -- but 'beet'. Now I like the color!

    Happy weekend, Mz Beet-Princess-Estonia.

  5. Never too many beet recipes. Ever.

    You know, you should create a link in your labels for Ingredient: Beetroot. I'd love to have all of your beet recipes in one location.

    Great work, as always.

  6. No such thing as too many beet recipes! And the color of that soup -- fantastic.

  7. Looks gorgeous and sounds delicious! Now, if I could only find horseradish! I've been looking for a few weeks. I could get it in Andorra but, so far, not here. Do you find it with the canned foods? Or in the dairy/cold department? I'm going to have to find someone in the store to ask....

  8. I love beets, and this looks great. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! Much appreciated.

  9. uskumatu kui suurepäarne see välja näeb. peediisu! tahaks kausitäit borši! tahaks kookospiimast peedipüreesuppi! Oh! Võib ma kolin natukeseks sinu juurde sisse? Tore oleks tulla koju, kus peedisupp pliidil podiseb:)

  10. Oh, yummy! And such a beautiful colour, too! I love both beets and horseradish and am going through a soup phase just now, so, I think I'm going to test this recipe in the not too distant future. Your blog is one of my favorites, by the way!

  11. Greg – I’m really fond of beets to, and I agree – it’s the colour that makes them stand out. Horseradish and beetroot is a common salad combination here, but I hadn’t tried them together in a soup before.

    Homesick Texan – we cannot get golden beets here, unfortunately. I need to look up some seeds and grow my own this summer!

    Eva – ei ole kahjuks, hoopis ühe Tallinna Keskturu baba käest :)

    Alanna – I’m glad you agree :) And I’ve always thought you’re site is beetroot shade???

    Christina – that’s a good idea, thanks :)

    Lydia – quite a energetic and lively colour, isn’t it?

    Katie – I imagine you’d find it alongside mustard and other condiments?

    Yulinka – Russians are good with beets, so I’m not surprised you love this root vegetable :)

    Evelin – no ega meil iga päev nüüd ka peedisupp pliidil podise. Nii kord nädalas või kahe jooksul :) Peedi-kookospiima suppi pole ma kunagi proovinud. On Sul mõni hea retsept välja pakkuda?

    Cinnamonda – thank you for your kind words! Hope you’ll like the soup when you try it!

    Dagmar and Grace – thank you!

  12. Kord nädalas või kahe jooksul kõlab juba piisavalt hästi;) Tegelikult ma olen nende ilmadega nii supiseks kätte läinud, et eriti muud nagu ei tahakski.

    Kookospiimaga peedisupi jaoks mul mingit konkreetset retsepti välja pakkuda pole, kuid tean, et olen mingit retsepti näinud:D Korra eksperimentaalmeetodil proovisin. Täpselt ei mäleta, kuidas valmistasin, aga vist viskasin ka sellerit sisse. Mis seal ikka - tuleb uuesti proovida:)

  13. Gorgeous. I love beets and they fit in well with my attempts to eat seasonally.


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