Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Hõrgud vastlakuklid aka Lenten buns 2008, still perfect

May I introduce you to our Shrove Tuesday or Lenten buns 2008:

Same old recipe, same perfect shape, same excellent flavour, same pretty looks.

Eestikeelne vastlakuklite retsept siin.


  1. Isuäratavad!
    P.S. Tore üllatus oli selle kuu OmaMaitses :) Väga armas ja soe intervjuu

  2. Lenten buns - I may have to add these to the menu, after the pancakes. :)

  3. Wow, those look amazing! Shrove Tuesday came around fast, didn't it?

  4. oooh they look so good.
    We had our pancakes...but now I'm wanting and craving these too!

  5. They look beautiful! However there will be no lenten buns for me today. We're celebrating a collegue that had a baby girl a few weeks ago, so we've bought cute baby clothes and I've baked two kind of cupcakes and muffins. But I'll probably have a lenten bun tomorrow instead :-)

  6. Some how the same ol same ol seems pretty wonderful with these!!

  7. They look soooo delicious!!! In Poland we celebrate Fat Thursday instead of Shrove Tuesday and eat enormous amounts of doughnuts, also delicious, but your bun looks even better:)

  8. Your Shrove buns look very pretty! If you want to compare recipes, I posted about Shrove buns on my blog a few days ago.


  9. täitsa uskumatu lugu - tegin esimest korda elus vastlakukleid ja tulid väga hõrgud!
    tänan hea retsepti eest!

  10. Then will you be making Hot Cross Buns for Good Friday, eh?

  11. Pille, this looks wonderful and delicious!!! Gloria

  12. Hello! I am back after a long absence and a dead hard drive with all the hassle involved. However I was late to be reminded about the vastlakuklid day! I hope not to miss the next important date so I can also get my children interested. Beautiful pictures as usual! See you soon!

  13. oi kui ilusad!:)
    minu omad olid sel aastal kuidagi natuke lamedad, aga see-eest ikkagi kamaluga kardemonised ning piisavaks energiaannuseks enne kelgutamist.
    just nii - käisimegi kelgutamas!:D

    Ajakirja avades oli seekord väga tore üllatus:)

  14. these look lovely. You say they are similar to Finnish laskiaispulla. I've made pulla before (braided with no filling), is this the same? I must try these cream filled ones...mm

  15. You know I have always wanted to make these but never have ... they look so soft and delicious!

  16. Kärt – tore, et lugu meeldis :)

    Annemarie – maybe not right after the pancakes, but in a few hours, for sure!

    Holler – it did indeed! I’m always confused with those moving holidays!

    Bron – we have pancakes every weekend, so they’re not so special. Whereas Lenten Buns are once-in-a-year treat..

    Dagmar – your pink muffins were very cute!

    Tanna – exactly my point. There’s no need to look for an even better recipe, when you’ve already got an excellent one...

    Karolcia – I must try those Polish doughnuts one day!

    Brilynn – if only :)

    Cinnamonda – I’ll do that!

    Siuu – suur rõõm kuulda, et kuklid kohe esimesel katsel õnnestusid! Aga see aastate jooksul hoolikalt läbi katsetatud retsept, nii et ei saanudki ebaõnnestuda :)

    Pene – who knows. Though I guess I’ll prefer cooking something local instead..

    MariaJaan – I still remember your request for linnupiimakook (ps – did you get my response email?)

    Evelin – mul ’õnnestus’ ka paar aastat tagasi lamedaid vastlakukleid küpsetada, aga koos vahukoore ja moosiga olid need siiski maitsvad :) Kus te kelgutada saite? Siin pealinna külje all polnud ju lumeraasugi :(

    Elizabeth – laskiaspulla is indeed very similar to lenten bun/vastlakukkel, but quite different from ’pulla’ as such. ’pulla’ simply means white (sweet) bread, but laskiaispulla is enriched with eggs and butter, and has a different shape.

    Creampuff- now’s your chance :)

    Aforkfulofspaghetti, Rachel, Gloria, Lobstersquad, – thank you!


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Pille @ Nami-Nami