Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Back from Spain, plenty to blog about

Well, K. and I got back from our ten-day Spanish trip late last night. We've almost unpacked everything, and are in the middle of sorting out our photos (ca 900 of them!). There's lots to do at work at the moment, so it will be a few more days before I'm blogging properly again. But I'll leave you with a taste of what's to come :)

Click on the photo to enlarge!


  1. Oh Pille, such a tease! Can't wait to hear about it :)

  2. lechecilla de caballa!!?!?!? please sort everything out and tell, I´m very curious!

  3. Hey! You're back! Yes, please hurry up and tell us all about it, and especially about El Bulli!

  4. Ah, need kõlavad intrigeerivalt, Pile;)

  5. Woohooooo!!! Ohboyohboy, I can't wait to hear all about it! :)

  6. Welcome back! Anxious to hear your stories.

  7. Õnneseen. Ei suuda ka ära oodata, millal täpsemalt kõik lahti seletad. Tahaks järgi kunagi teha :)!

  8. I'm soooooo jealous! Can't wait ti hear the details...
    We had reservations once - but my flight back from the U.S. was late by 12 hours and we missed it (when we lived in Andorra)

  9. i want to hear about where you went in spain...i live in barcelona and am going to a village by roses soon, although no reservations at el bulli, so will have to live vicariously through you (was looking at the menu on egullet...might it have been your post?) anyways, hope you post about it soon, i'll be checking! and please let me know if you went places in barcelona too! courtney @ http://thedoughball.blogspot.com/

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Pille @ Nami-Nami