Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The 2008 wild mushroom season has officially begun...

... with this beautiful yellow morel (Morchella esculenta) we managed to pick last Saturday.

Isn't she pretty?


  1. Yes, she is!
    Just one? :P
    We also got just one this time, but a false morel, again. It was a huge one (300g), even after boiling still enough for soup for two.

  2. Beautiful!!
    The season have started really early :-)

  3. Wow, it really is so pretty you hardly want to eat it!

  4. Mushroom season already? Oh the envy! She certainly is pretty! :)

  5. Kust neid mürkleid õieti leida võib? Liivased niidud?

  6. Ma nii tahaksin õppida seenel käia! Pole kunagi enne käinud. Võib-olla sel aastal saan võimaluse!

  7. wow are you lucky...we just have ramps and wild garlic.

  8. Hi- Great Blog! In one of your comments on another blog simply recipes you mentioned that the cilantro comes in a little pot . Thats a great way to sell herbs. I'd live to see a photograph when you have time.

  9. Those mushrooms are really not very good. Tell you what, box them up and send them overnight to me.;)

    your lucky!

  10. Oh so pretty! I've never seen them in the wild before :)

  11. It's really beautiful! I've only studied them on class, I wish I could see these kind of mushrooms.

  12. Oh you lucky girl!! I *adore* morels but have never even attempted to find them in the wild - wouldn't know where to start! But I do think I'll make a trip to Borough Market to see if I can find any...

  13. Thredahlia – kahjuks küll :)

    ChicaJo – indeed, but then the ‘proper’ wild mushroom season starts with chantarelles/girolles in July. Cannot wait!

    Katrin – vaata kevadseente teemat nami-nami foorumis – seal on veidi vihjeid.

    Marika, ma väga loodan, et jõuad seenele. Aga kui Sa varem käinud pole, siis varusta end kindlasti asjaliku seeneraamatuga!!

    Maybelles Mum – but I’ve never seen ramps (wild leeks), just wild garlic and wild mushrooms :)

    Ria – will try to remember to take that photo (but it’s the most common way of selling herbs in the shops here in Estonia)

    PP – you’re very cheeky!!

    Jeanne – I’m sure some fancy Italian delis organise mushroom-forageing tours (Valvona & Crolla in Edinburgh do). You can always sign up to one of these – or then head over to the Borough :)

    Lydia, Dagmar, T, Y, Gay – thank you!

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