Friday, March 13, 2009

Making chorizo meatballs with a baby

Me and our little Nora Adeele (32 days old on the photo) making Annemarie's excellent chorizo meatballs.

(Chorizo lihapallid)


  1. It's always good to start training your sous chef early in life! She looks very comfortable in the kitchen.

  2. A beautiful beautiful baby. It is great to see you have posted so often since the baby came.

  3. I love cooking with my baby in her sling, too :]

  4. I love how she's holding on!
    I bought my sister one of those slings -- comes in handy!

  5. Brilliant. You should patent the method!

  6. oh how cute you two look... motherhood really suits you! i can see already that my baby days are long gone, i have never seen such a gorgeous sling, had to content myself with baby bjorn et al. can you believe that henrik is 2 now and speaks over 100 words and a few sentences? time is really flying so do make the most of it, difficult and tiring as things may seem at the time.
    i wish i could be there again - but i think that with 3 gorgeous kids i've done enough for the preservation of mankind ;-)

  7. So adorable. Welcome to motherhood. It's all about juggling babies and meatballs.

    Best wishes!

  8. Congratulations to you both and Bub. I have followed your blog for ages. I love your recipes and what a great start to life your daughter has with great home cooking. Best wishes.
    Maybe when bub gets on to solids you could give us some recipes.

  9. That is the sweetest picture!

  10. Baby that's cooking!!
    Delightful post!

  11. Lovely! What kind of sling is that?

  12. Oh Pille! The two of you look so adorable! :) Motherhood suits you as does being in the kitchen and helping her mama suit little Nora Adeele :) The meatballs sound delish!

  13. So sweet!
    I agree with L Vanel's comment above. Its great you are posting so often since u had the baby :)

  14. Oh I´m jealous!
    Pía hated the sling at that age. I had to cook on one foot, pushing the buggy with the other one.
    You look lovely together

  15. I love that picture ... Very very nice!!

  16. Ha ha! You look like my sisters. They do everything with a baby attached.

  17. Motherhood suits you, Pille. You look at home in so many ways. =)

  18. I am happy to see that I am not the only one on a chorizo kick

  19. fabulous picture, and thanks for doing me the honors Pille. :) Baby Henry (for that's his name) doesn't like his sling so sadly our cooking moments only go as far as me sitting him on the kitchen table in his bouncy chair and stirring things in front of him. Still, it's a start! x

  20. This has to be the cutest picture ever :) Your baby will become a gourmet one day, that's for sure!


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Pille @ Nami-Nami