Monday, August 03, 2009


We spent couple of hours in our favourite forest and bog yesterday, taking home:

Two litres of beautiful cloudberries (1.2 kg of berries after cleaning!!). That's going to make plenty of delicious cloudberry jam:
2 litres of cloudberries / 2 liitrit murakaid

Enough chantarelle mushrooms for 2, perhaps even three pies and quiches:
Chantarelles / Kukeseened

... and enough other wild mushrooms (edible Russula mushrooms) for today's mushroom sauce:
Selection of edible wild mushrooms / Valik pilvikuid

We're pleased :)


  1. The cloudberries are beautiful! I've never tasted one.

  2. I would be pleased too! You are so lucky to be able to have these beauties closeby...not even in a store but fresh from the forest! Gosh what a dream! Lovely loot...looking forward to seeing what you make with them :)

    I have to share with you Pille...I found some fresh chanterelles over here! At long last! Of course, they are imported and nothing close to your fresh from the forest bounty, but to find them all the way here neither frozen nor dried was truly a cause for me to be pleased as well :) Anyways, just wanted to share with my favorite forest mushroom forager :)

  3. I´ll bet you´re pleased. We were thinking the other day it was just two years ago that we went on such a hunt.
    Heep us posted on the cloudberry jam!

  4. I recently made some red currant & raspberry jam. It's the best jam I've ever made, Pille. I will be making your lemon curd cheesecake next week, & pouring my jam on top.
    So much summer bounty, eh?

  5. Kuidas see võimalik on? Peipsi ääres sai murakaaeg juba 2 nädalat tagasi otsa...
    Kadeduseuss K

  6. I feel so envious you have fresh cloudberries. I love the jam but have never tasted them fresh.

  7. those cloudberries look amazing!

  8. Lydia - they have a very unique taste, which is hard to describe..

    Joey - so glad to hear about the chantarelles! I know how much you've been looking for them!

    Ximena - hopefully we'll go on such a hunt again. I got 4 jars of cloudberry jam. We'll keep one for you, if you come over :)

    Pene - Estonia's great for summer bounty :) Raspberry and redcurrant jam sounds delicious - I've never tried the combination myself..

    Kadeduseuss K - meid ka hoiatati, et murakaid tänavu vähe ja hooaeg niiehknii läbi. Kristjani ema, suure kogemustega murakakorjaja, oli ka hämmeldunud, et KUI palju neid murakaid ikka oli. Nagu ma ütlesin, enamik jäi meist rappa maha...

    Allie - jam's good, but fresh ones are extra special, of course..

    Violet - thank you! They're quite handsome, aren't they :)

  9. Man, I'm jealous! I want to have a vacation home in Estonia so I can go berry and mushroom hunting. Sigh.

  10. I never ate fresh cloudberries, have never seen them by real...
    Only at Ikea's marmalade :)


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Pille @ Nami-Nami