Thursday, June 03, 2010

Supelsaksad Café @ Pärnu, Estonia

A short photo essay of a wonderful café in Pärnu. Definitely worth a visit, if you happen to be at the Summer Capital of Estonia, Pärnu. You'll find Supelsaksad at the corner of Supeluse & Nikolai street.

Supelsaksad, Pärnu

Supelsaksad, Pärnu

Supelsaksad, Pärnu

Supelsaksad, Pärnu

Supelsaksad, Pärnu

Supelsaksad, Pärnu

Supelsaksad, Pärnu

Supelsaksad, Pärnu

Supelsaksad, Pärnu

Our daughter thoroughly approves:

Nora @ Supelsaksad, Pärnu


Supelsaksad, Pärnu


  1. I love the cheery colors and fresh ingredients. :-)

  2. tahaks ise ka minna, tore kohvik ja tore omanik. ja toit vist kah väga tore :)

  3. What a great looking place -- so comfortable!

  4. Väga inspireerivad pildid!

  5. Sidrunine hapukoorekook oli super - lihtme ja absoluutselt oivaline :) Ja Milla magas, kui verandal mu esimest emadepäeva tähistasime. Nautis sealset olemist kõige siiramal moel.

  6. My mother-in-law was born & raised in Parnu. We visited there last summer for the 1st time & loved it. The food looks delicious. Wish I had seen this before we went. Hope we get a chance to go back.

  7. näeb väga nummi välja ja teie printsess on ka juba nii suureks kasvanud :)

  8. that's it, i am booking a ticket!! this looks amazing, both the interior and the food - oh, i wish i could go! but you know what, from singapore, we will probably be drawn to holidays in cooler climates, so i don't give up hope of visiting you soon! xx

  9. annaksin pool elu kui saaks veel maitsta vaarika-besee kooki, millega kokku puutusin just selles kohvikus.Kena kohake :)


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Pille @ Nami-Nami