Thursday, October 06, 2005

Food in Mexico: exotic fruit, grainy wall and a meal with a view in Tepostlán

Here are few pictures from my second full day in Mexico. Mexico (oh well, I guess this is not gonna be in chronological order). We had spent the previous night in Guernavaca, and on Sunday headed to this small Indian town which is famous for its church, lively market and Toltec (predecessors of the Aztecs) archeological ruins.

The market was indeed lively, colourful and very vibrant - and we admired this interesting mosaic town gate just next to the market. The mosaic is made up of various grains and seeds - I spotted sunflower seeds (pepitas), various dried beans and pulses, different types of rice and peppercorns.

I also really enjoyed exploring the market, and it was here in Tepostlán that I got my first taste of really ripe exotic tropical fruits. On this picture the guy is slicing some cirvela fruit for us to try, I believe. It was really nice, with a hint of watermelon.

Here, on the other hand, I saw, touched and ate my first mamey fruit. Beautiful colour, and lovely taste, though I thought it needed a drop or two of lemon juice. My friend Ada used mamey for a smoothie next morning. And apparently it doesn't require any lemon juice at all. Who am I to argue with the locals:)

We ended the visit with a glass of limonada for girls and a cocktail made of beer, Tabasco and tomato juice for one and milk for the other guy at this nicely located restaurant. Look at the view of Tepozteco mountain (and El Tepozteco pyramid that is hidden in the mist)!!!


  1. Hi Pille, in my eyes markets are always the best spot to get to know or rather to have a first impression of a country, the people, their way of living - and eating. And I know the Mexican markets are very special - and so colourful ! Looking forward to hearing more, kind regards angelika

  2. hi pille, i am really looking forward to reading more and all about your trip to mexico - it sounds like you had a fantastic time...

  3. How exciting! It's great to visit local markets...and I'm sure Mexico's were amazing :) Can't wait to hear more!

  4. Angelika - thanks, markets are fun indeed. I was impressed by the wide variety of flavoursome and tasty and ripe fruits on offer in Mexico (will be writing more about it soon). Some of the fruits I've seen in Edinburgh before, but they look, feel and smell nothing like the ones in Mexico. All those airmiles!

    J - I enjoyed myself a lot. Mexico is the most 'exotic' place I've been so far, so it was all extremely exciting.

    Joey - thanks! I'm all for visiting local markets these days. Although being rather sleepy this morning, I forced myself out of bed early to go to the local farmers market here in Edinburgh. After getting some fresh vegetables, I sat down with a roast hog & sage-onion stuffing & apple sauce burger. It was sunny and a wee bit chilly, but I was very happy that I had come to the market:)

  5. Oh! I'd love to go through the market and have something nice to drink afterwards!


  6. Admirable ,beautiful lovely view of these pictures .

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Pille @ Nami-Nami