I am back in Edinburgh after 10 days in Mexico. Still slightly jetlagged, granted, but I am happy to report that I had a wonderful holiday. I stayed with my friends Ada & Mauricio and their adorable children Fernanda & Pablo (thank you so much!!!), who showed me around Mexico City, Taxco, Tepostlan, and Guernavaca and generally took extremely good care of me. I enjoyed every minute of my trip (apart from the long-haul flights, that is...)
The only downside to the trip was that at a true telenovela fashion, the bride called off the 650-person wedding just 2 days before it was supposed to take place, the upset groom fled Ciudad de Mexico with his family to lick his wounds, and we ended up going to just a nice no-wedding dinner with friends instead.. Oh well, there will be another Mexican wedding to attend in the future, hopefully...
Most importantly, I ate well during my trip. It will take a few days before I sort out my photos and start posting again, but here's a glimpse of things to come.
* My first ever hacienda lunch
* Ingredient spotlight: huitlacoche
* Fruit-shopping in Tepostlan and below my window
* OTT Mexican lunch experience
* Classy Mexican lunch at Villa Maria, Jerónimo
* Floating lunch in Xochilmilco
* Eating the national colours
* Mexican marketing tricks or how to make sure a customer will say Yes
* Mexican hot chocolate
* Another hacienda meal
* The no-wedding dinner
Some of them I will just mention in my future posts, some of them I will write about more in my "Eating Mexican" series. Hope you will be back reading!
Welcome back Pille! Glad to hear you had a wonderful time in Mexico and can't wait to hear about your foodie adventures! :)
Dear Pille, oh boy, how time is flying ! Welcome back to the routine of life, but I am sure you will savour your memories for a long time. Just as Joey has stated I am looking forward to reading about your (foodie) experiences as well. And as for the wedding, taken place or not, at least it was a good reason to make you fly to Mexico ! Kind regards, angelika
Sounds great :)
I can't wait Pille!
Hi Pille,
and welcome back! Sounds like you had a good time in Mexico - looking forward to reading more!
You must tell us more about the cancelled wedding! Pretty please! It sounds like such a drama! I was in a wedding on Sunday (only 100 people) and there was no damn way that bride was going to cancel, after the amount of organisation and money that went into it (that and the fact she'd been with her boyfriend for 12 years...)!
Welcome back! I can't believe the wedding didn't happen - there must have been some pretty annoyed guests who went to an awful lot of time and expense to be there. At least the whole thing got you to Mexico. I can't wait to hear about everything you discovered (and the gossip too, of course)!
Joey - thanks! I am sorting out my photos at the moment and will post more stories about my trip soon.
Angelika - time is flying indeed, especially when you're having good time:)
[but I guarantee that the time is definitely NOT flying when you're on a long-haul flight. My flight from Frankfurt to Mexico City seemed absolutely endless!]
Clare - you must wait:) One or two days more:)
Nefritite - same, I'm trying to post more asap, but before that I need to prepare for some tutorials this week, edit one and write another article etc etc. Soon, I promise!
Niki - well, not sure how much I can tell. But it was rather dramatic. I can't imagine telling 650 people 2 days before that don't bother coming after all!!! The couple had been together for 3 years, it was hugely expensive wedding (paid by bride's parents), and it was being planned since last summer (i.e. 2004). Very weird..
Melissa - thanks! I couldn't get any huitlacoche for you, so sorry:(
And you better believe that there were some guests who were rather annoyed:) I was also very disappointed that I missed wedding, but I did have great time nevertheless. And it only took my 19 hours door-to-door:)
Oh, wow! A called off wedding? It sounds like a true telenovela and I LOVE telenovelas. Like Niki, I want to know more about this wedding. You can tell us ALL of it. It's only us, here. We can keep a secret. ;-)
From your overall description, it sounds like you had a nice time, which I'm glad to read about and I look forward to your upcoming descriptions.
Welcome back! I'm missed your blog.
Hi Pille, welcome back, I look forward to hearing about your adventures. My jaw dropped when I read that the wedding was cancelled! How bold (and yes brave) of the bride to do so despite the pressure of 650 people expecting her to get married! I cant even imagine. Anwyay, Im glad you had fun nonetheless :)
Hi Paz - I'm flattered to hear that you've missed my blog:) And if you're a fan of telenovelas, then you would have enjoyed the excitement and drama, I'm sure. They don't show any Mexican soaps here in Scotland, so I was slightly taken aback by this dramatic turn of events:) But, as I said, my holiday was great!
Michele - although I feel bad for my friend (the groom), I am sure the bride went through hell as well. I'm yet to hear about any further developments in Mexico myself. Who knows, maybe I'll keep you posted:)
10 days in mexico and you're lucky enough to find huitlacoche? this is one of the most difficult things to find and i have been craving it for the last 15 years... did you eat it in coyoacan, by any chance? when i loved there, they were renowned to have the best, unfortunately, i don't remember the name of the place. i'd never have believed that some black fungus growing inside a cob of corn can taste so addictively delicious!
Better late than never, dear Johanna:) Yes, I actually ate huitlacoche twice while in Mexico - first as a filling in a lovely quiche in a bistrot in Coyoacan, then as a component of a creamy tagliatelle sauce in a fancy hacienda in Mexico City. I also saw it sold at the street market - it does look rather unusual! I didn't bring any back though, as I wasn't sure how well fresh huitlacoche travels.
I must admit I had never heard of that ingredient. Before I flew to Mexico, I asked Melissa, if there's anything she'd like me to bring back, and she said 'huitlacoche'. Hmmm, I thought, and quickly googled it, and at least knew to look out for that speciality when I arrived. So it was thanks to Melissa that I ate it, actually:)
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