Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Do try these at home: some dishes from other food bloggers

What would I do without you, other foodbloggers?? You are a constant source of fantastic inspiration, and here's just a snapshot of dishes I've tried lately.

David Lebovitz's fantastic Fresh Apricot Ice Cream (especially if you've got some lovely French apricots from the market). MattBites kindly provides the recipe. I had no almond extract at home, so used 2 tsp of Amaretto instead. Lovely..

David Lebovitzi aprikoosijäätis

Oh, and while you're at it - his Strawberry Sour Cream Ice Cream is pretty delicious as well (Dagmar has the recipe). I made it quite a few times this summer, and my Estonian friends say the recipe works with bilberries, too:


Elise's Tuscan Scrambled Eggs made a great light supper, and we'll be making it again soon:

Toskaana munahüüve

I really enjoyed Patricia's Crash-Hot Potatoes (see also Wendy's version):

Krõbedad purustatud kartulid

And while we're at it, here are couple of really-really-really tasty dishes Ximena made us when we were visiting her and her husband J. in Madrid in April. First off, Ferrán Adrià´s bag-of-chips tortilla was both genius and tasty:

Ximena kartulikrõpsutortilja

Similarly, Ximena's salmorejo is so worth making with some ripe summer tomatoes:

Salmorejo - Hispaania tomatidipp

And last, but by no means least, my friend Alanna in St Louis makes a great Classic Seven-Layer Salad:

Thank you, everybody!!


  1. These look like some great recipes. I want to make ice cream today... may give one of these a try!

  2. oh yeah, great selection. there was an interview with Ferrán Adriá on tv yesterday, made me remember the spring

  3. Pille, I'm so glad to hear you like those potatoes - Jill Dupleix's recipes are wonderful!
    And those ice cream recipes... I'll end up buying an ice cream maker, I know! :)

  4. Ooooh, you always make me soooo jealous of your ice-cream maker when you post these lovely ice cream recipes... Fantastic! And I love the 7-layer salad - we make one eith many of our sumer BBQs :)

  5. These tuscan scrambled eggs look fabulous. I am such a fan of eggs. it is indeed a weakness of mine. Also love the ice cream recipe.

  6. Wonderful-sounding recipes!



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Pille @ Nami-Nami