Sunday, July 27, 2008

Have you ever tried golden raspberries?

They're just as pretty as the 'regular' red ones (I've mentioned yellow ones before). K. took these lovely close-ups for me. (And no, these are not salmonberries or cloudberries).


  1. I've never had the yellow ones - nor did I even know there was such a thing! I've had blue ones, though ... and they taste like grape-flavoured cough medicine (Dimetap, to be specific).

  2. Yes and they're very tasty, although I have a soft spot in my heart for the red ones. I used to make a tart with concentric circles of red and yellow raspberries over pastry cream - it was lovely.

  3. Beautiful photos!

    Last year I bought a yellow raspberry plant to plant in a container on the balcony, but it turned out that it was incorrectly marked in the store so during summer it had red berries instead of yellow :-)

  4. Yum! My mom had a yellow raspberry bush when I was a kid. I miss 'em!

  5. they are indeed beautiful i had some really juicy ones recently.

  6. beautiful! I don't think I've seen them here.

  7. I haven't had golden raspberries in literally over a decade- my mom had bushes back when I was a kid, but they didn't get enough light in the garden and eventually died. I've been wishing for them for years now- they're impossible to buy, so I've never even seen them in this whole time.

  8. You are very lucky to have access to all sorts of berries. We who are from East Asia countries have to fork out big sum just to taste a tip of these fruits.

  9. I'm so lucky -- I have a friend up the road who has golden raspberries in his garden! I do love them, and the photos make them look irresistible.

  10. completely new to me. I thought they were cloudberries, at first

  11. They look really beautiful! I have tried then before and they are delicious.

  12. I have never seen these before...absolutely gorgeous photo!

  13. So luminescent, like a cloud berry lit from within. Lovely!

  14. Funny you mention salmon berries. I was just in Alaska a few weeks ago and tasted them for the first time.

    I've had golden raspberries at Earthbound Farm in Carmel Valley. They've got about a bazzilion different varieties of raspberries growing there. Mmmmm.

  15. I love raspberries in all their forms and would gobble those down in a minute...but am I the only one who finds the extreme closeup a bit scarifying as far as those "whiskers"??

  16. I've never seen or tasted these but you are the second blogger to mention them recently. So do they taste any different? I love the photos - makes them look like some sort of delicate and exotic creatures ;-)

  17. DaviMack - the blue ones weren't natural, were they?

    Laurie - I love both of them for eating, but prefer red ones for cooking and making jam.

    Dagmar - too bad it turned out to be a red raspberry plant instead!! Better luck next year :)

    Kate - my mum has couple of golden raspberry plants, but I've also seen them at the market, so they're not too difficult to find.

    Christine Tham - I know - the choice of (wild) berries is very good here in the North. But then look at the bright side - you've got excellent exotic fruits that I've never even heard of!!

    Lobstersquad - oh nooo - they look nothing like each other!?! (Well, apart from the colour. And the shape :)

    swirlingnotions - I've not tried salmonberries myself - hopefully one day..

    Charlotte K - that's nature for you :)

    Jeanne- I don't think I could tell one from another at a blind tasting :)

    Vicki, Valentina, K&S, Lydia, Orchidea, Brilynn, ChicaJo, Annemarie - thank you!!

  18. I have never tried golden raspberries, they look wonderful.

  19. I have a golden raspberry bush, actually, there are now babies, so I have several. The berries are delicate and sweeter than red raspberries. I bought mine at Western Sierra Nursery, Oakhurst CA.


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