Tuesday, November 19, 2013

My cookbook launch on November 11, 2013

Minu uus raamat!
Photo by Päivi Palts.

My third cookbook came out in early November (there will be a blog post about the book!), and last Monday there was a small launch party at the Rahva Raamat bookstore in Tallinn. My dear friend Ximena Maier (you'll surely know her food blog Lobstersquad) did the illustrations for the book again. It's as striking as the first one, don't you agree?

kaanedPicMonkey Collage

They certainly stand out on the bookshelves!

Back to the book launch party. Here's me and my lovely agent, Reelika Rahu, flipping through the pages of the book:
Photo by Andres Haabu

Me welcoming the people and talking briefly about the book. Take note that my stockings are matching the colour of my newest cookbook :)  TallinnCity.ee
Photo by Andres Haabu

Nami-Nami uue kokaraamatu esitlus 11.11.2013
Photo by Päivi Palts

Nami-Nami uue kokaraamatu esitlus 11.11.2013
Photo by Päivi Palts

This lovely lady, Maret, is a good friend of my mother-in-law. She's also a great fan of Nami-Nami recipes and loved the previous book (or so I'm told). The beetroot phali recipe in the Georgian chapter has caught her attention. Or is it the egg and walnut salad?
Nami-Nami uue kokaraamatu esitlus 11.11.2013
Photo by Päivi Palts

Time to sign the books! I was impressed how many people turned up and was signing the books for well over an hour!
Photo by Andres Haabu

Autogramme jagamas
Photo by Päivi Palts.

Raamatuid signeerimas.
Photo by Päivi Palts.

Nami-Nami uue kokaraamatu esitlus 11.11.2013
Photo by Päivi Palts

Karl Mattias
Photo by Päivi Palts

Nami-Nami uue kokaraamatu esitlus 11.11.2013
Photo by Päivi Palts

One of the Nami-Nami fans, my friend Eva Pettinen of the Flexus Pilates Studio:
Pille Petersoo ja Eva Pettinen
Photo by Päivi Palts

I don't know who this little sweet girl was, but she had a lovely name and she told me that she always uses Nami-Nami to look for recipe inspiration :)
Anna Lotta (?)

It was a cookbook, so obviously there was food at the launch party :) Suupisted!
Photo by Päivi Palts.

The purple dip is beetroot borani (recipe in the Persian chapter; also available here on the blog). On the front you'll see cheese and herb filled filo "cigars" (recipe in the Lebanese chapter). There's a bowl in the middle, filled with black pudding profiteroles (a recipe in my Christmas cookbook). Not pictured is a big plate with two different types of cookies from the Swedish chapter:
Valik suupisteid
Photo by Päivi Palts.

The filo rolls and the Swedish cookies were baked by my dear friend and a talented baker, American-born Heidi ParkHeidi also did the catering for my first cookbook launch party back in December 2010. I'm so lucky to have met her and call her my friend: Nami-Nami uue kokaraamatu esitlus 11.11.2013. Mina Heidiga.
Photo by Kristjan.

Ok, back to food. Marinated aubergine/eggplant slices, a recipe in the Italian chapter:
 Marineeritud pommuviilud
Photo by Päivi Palts.

A special thanks goes to Põltsamaa Felix, who provided the drinks - juice for the kids and their beautiful dessert wine Põltsamaa Kuldne 2005 for the grown-ups (again, they provided the drinks for the previous launch party as well). Here's my sweet daughter Nora (4 y 9 m) enjoying a glass of Põltsamaa's pear nectar (pirninektar) while chitchatting to her friend Taavi:
Põltsamaa pirninektar
Photo by Päivi Palts.

There was also the wonderful bottled mineral water from Georgia, Borjomi, which, of course, is the perfect drink to go with the recipes in the Georgian chapter:
Gruusia vesi ja Gruusia peatükk
Photo by Borjomi Estonia

And last, but not least, there was some wine, courtesy of Pernod Ricard Estonia. We drank Tamada Mukuzani from Georgia, and San Simone Perlae Naonis Millsesimato Prosecco DOC from Italy:
Photo by Reet Zimmer

A huge thank you to everybody who made it and a huge thank you to everybody who helped to organise the launch party.


  1. Palju õnne uue raamatu puhul!
    Loodan et seda saab ka USAs.

  2. Congratulations on your new cookbook, Pille! It looks beautiful I am a Canadian follower of your blog for over 2 years now and always love reading your posts. Your recipes are so unique and DELICIOUS! Keep up the great work!

  3. total indulgence! wish i was there…

  4. Congratulations on your new cookbook Pille:)

  5. Hugo - vaevalt, et seda eestikeelset raamatut USAs müüakse, aga kirjastus kindlasti saadab ka Eestis väljaspoole ;)

    Margaret - thank you for "coming out" - it's always wonderful to "meet" a reader. And thank you for your kind words!

    Roxy - I would have loved to have you here!!

    Jael - thank you! No chapter on Israeli food this time, but it's definitely on the cards! (Did you notice the number "1" on the cover? ;))

  6. Congratulations, I do hope you will soon have an English version! So happy for you

  7. Looks like another hit on your hands! I do love those coordinating colors as well.

    Congratulations - all joy and success to you.

  8. Thank you for your kind words and allow me to extend congratulations for your third book. Bravo!

  9. I'll have wait for either the English or Swedish version. Steve

  10. Hearty congratulations Pille. Wish your book be translated to all languages in the world – everyone deserves to read it! When do you have an English version?

  11. Claudia & Amy & Steve - thank you! I don't think the publishers are thinking of translating it, though it is a pretty good recipe collection imho ;)

    Tanita - I was thrilled to realise just before rushing out to the book launch party that I've got a pair of suitable stockings :D

    Peter - thank you! There is a lovely Greek chapter in the book as well, with all my Greek favourites ;)

  12. Congrats!Please update about English
    version of specific one.

  13. Congratulations on your new cookbook, Pille. The photographs are just amazing...

  14. Congratulations on your new cookbook, Pille. The photographs are just amazing...

  15. Congratz for your book.Very interesting post,thanks sharing this post and food guides.


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Pille @ Nami-Nami