Let me introduce you to our little baby girl. We don't know her name yet, as she was in a bit of a hurry arriving into this world, so K. and I are still discussing the possible options. But she's gorgeous, and despite being few weeks too early, she's doing very well. So are her parents :) She arrived into this world at 5.52 pm on Friday, January 30th, weighing in at 2460 grams and 48 cm.
The picture above is taken this morning, when she's about 40 hours old (young?).
As we'll be spending the next week or so recovering at the birth clinic, there won't be much cooking happening at Nami-Nami household at the moment. But don't despair - this might just give me a chance to finally tell about those fantastic food-related trips to Spain (meal at El Bulli!) and the US we had last summer.
Life is beautiful.
Congratulations! She is beautiful. I enjoy your blog very much. But this is the most wonderful post. All the best to you and your new family.
Congratulations! Welcome little baby... Life is Beautiful!
Ooo milline väike kaunitar! nagu pisike vaarikamakroon või maasikamuffin :-)
Palju-palju õnne ja helgeid koduseid päevi!
Wow she is wonderful! Congratulations!
Congratulations! What a beautiful girl. Best wishes from California.
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you.
My wife is 5 and a half months pregnant so I'm looking forward with excitement!
She's beautiful. Congratulations Pille!
What a beauty! Congratulations and best wishes.
Life is beautiful and so is your daughter. Warm congratulations to you both. xx
Congratulations! I did not know you were pregnant :] Life is beautiful indeed. I'm due February 15th with my first, a little girl, and I can't decide if I want her here early or late.
All the best to you and your family :]
Congratulations, dear Pille! She is darling, of course. And I can guarantee you that your life will be dramatically, sleep-deprived better now.
And give yourself a break! We can wait for the El Bulli posts. Promise.
CONGRATULATIONS! I am so delighted for the three of you. What a wonderful surprise. Enjoy, enjoy!
Palju- palju õnne sellise armsa ime puhul. Tulevane pisike kokkaja:)
Congratulations! I'm so glad that all is well, despite the early entry into the world!
Congratulations to you both. I bet your parents are very happy to now have a grand-daughter to spoil.
Palju-palju õnne teie perele!
Õnnitlused ka meie poolt :)
How adorable. Congratulations!
How wonderful. She is beautiful. Congratulations Pille.
Congratulations! She's a beauty.
Shes beautiful. She is beautiful. Congratulations.
Palju-palju õnne!!!
She IS beautiful, and she shares a birthday with someone else very beautiful: our little grandson, Logan. He turned five on Friday (and celebrated by getting a cast on his leg).
FWIW, she is an Aquarius with moon at 0 degrees Aries, and 25 degrees Leo rising. With most of the planets on the western side of her chart, she is in a "reaping" incarnation, karmically speaking. This lifetime she will learn to go with the flow, not push the river. Lessons come from others.
She has an interesting chart.
Blessings to you all, from the central coast of California.
Congratulations! What a beautiful little girl. May God Bless her.
Nii pisike väike armsus :)
Võrdõiguslased võiksid turtsuda, aga ma arvan, et sellistel emadel peaks ikka üks tütar olema. Tulevasi toredaid kooskokkamisi teile! Ning helgeid hetki kogu perele! :)
Palju Palju õnne meie poolt ka! Küll ta on teil ilus ja armas.... nagu väike päike ;) olen nii rõõmus teie pärast! kallid ja paid xxxx EveRistoHele-Riin
congratulations! She is beautiful. I wish you and your family all the best.
She is adorable - congratulations and lots of warm wishes!!!
Congratulations! I'm so happy to welcome your little one into the world. Wishing you all the best. xo
Congratulation on the birth of your baby. May you and she share many blessings.
Congratulations! What a lucky baby... best wishes.
O how pretty & precious your little one is. Congratulations & best wishes always. I'm tiptoeing around your blog so I don't disturb her! xoxox
Congratulations Pille!..
wonderful, she´s the most beautiful baby. I can´t wait to know her name.
Palju õnne!
Congratulations, to the proud Mommy & Daddy.....your wee one is beautiful!
Welcome to the world, Little One! It seems you have many proud aunties!
She's so precious. Congratulations!
Palju palju õnne ka minu poolt!
(nami-namis ei saand millegipärast kommentaari lisada, aga see selleks)
oh pille, she is so lovely! congratulations to both of u!
love, guro.
Congratulations, Pille! What a great news!
I had not idea that you were pregnant, but as there wasn't very many posts lately I thought that something is up!
She is so gorgeous! Enjoy!
Palju õnne tütrekese sünni puhul. Ta on imeilus!
Imearmas! Uudishimulikku kompamist teile kõigile!
Oh my goodness Pille, congratulations! She is gorgeous! Can't wait to find out her name.
Wow, I had no idea, but I'm very happy for you and can only imagine how happy you must be for yourselves Enjoy every minute!
Congratulations!!! She's beautiful!!!!!
Oh, I have been waiting for a picture and here she is! How wonderful Pille, I can't wait to find out the name you have choosen. Lots of love from Michael and I.
How wonderful, and she is just lovely. Wishing the three of you all the best! Can't wait to hear more.
Congratulations from a fan in Chicago! (Incidentally, our son, born in Oct. 2008, also was an early arrival.) I'm sure her name will reveal itself soon, and it will be as beautiful as she is.
Armas Pille ja K, jõudu ja edu pisiplika inimeseks kasvatamisel :)
She's beautiful!
I was almost like her : 49cm and 2200g :)
Best wishes!
Palju õnne! Imeline printsess!
Oh Pille! She is beautiful! I have been so excited for her arrival :) Congratulations!!! Life is truly magical!
Palju palju õnne Teile ja loodan siis küla vahel varsti Sind käru lükkamas kohata. Tervitab Triin
Palju-palju onne kauni pisipiiga puhul. Ja milline tore pohjus kokkamiseks :-).
Palju õnne teile tütre sünni puhul, ta on imearmas :)
Congratulations! She is beautiful!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your baby is so beautiful!
Väga väga palju onnitlusi Soomemaalt! roomsat algu ja jätku!
Maris ja Tero
she is beautiful I am so happy for you and K.
Paljon onneksia! Wow, did I ever miss something there! Didn't even realize you were expecting! Children are the icing on the cake. Yay!
Love the subtle dried milk mustache...
Palju õnne!
Congratulations and may you all share many blessings! Take time to "stare at the baby" - they grow so fast!
frequently lurking in your blog from Latvia
What an adorable baby doll! Congratulations, Pille!
Congratulations!!! My second daughter was born a few days before on the 22nd. Best of luck with the little one.
Congratulations!! She is adorable! All the best!
Congratulations! She is absolutely gorgeous.
Belated congratulations. And what better excuse to write about El Bulli!
palju õnne! veel pilte!! ja üllataval kombel ainult nädal ongi meie lastel vahet. kui nimi olemas, andke sellest ka teada.
So sweet!!! Many congratulations Pille. I was waiting for you to make the announcement! Yeah! She is a treasure!
palju palju õnne :) nii tilluke :)
kosuge ilusti.
I would like to congratulate you this special guest. She is really beautiful.
All the best from Poland.
Auguri! Congratulations. This is wonderful news & the baby is adorable. I look forward to learning her name when she tells you:)
Susan & GG the cat
Toutes mes felicitations - congratulations - et bienvenue - welcome - a ce joli bebe - to this lovely baby.
Have fun.
Õnne emale, õnne isale, õnne perelisale! Olge mõnusad!
Tervitab Epp (märksõnaga Muhu :))
She is beautiful! My sister had her darling little girl the same day... but in California!! Here name is Simone. Good luck with the name. You are very lucky.
Congratulations and a heartfelt Lithuanian Valio!
Congratulations! She is absolutely gorgeous!
Dearest Pille: Congratulations to you and your family. She's beautiful.
How wonderful for you, now your life will change. Congratulations!
Congratulations, Pille! All the best for you and the little one.
that is wonderful news, congratulations!
Congrats! She is beautiful.
Pille, if you still remember Anna and Antti, the siblings from Finland from now-defunct Taikinapoika... This is Anna - I'm so thrilled about your news. I have a beautiful daughter now who is almost exactly one year older than yours (born Jan 26 last year). The best thing that ever happened to me! We now live in Brazil... Toivotan ihania vauvahetkiä ja hyviä yöunia teille molemmille!
Congratulations, she's just the cutest!
Congratulations! She is beautiful!
Pille, congratulations! Nora Adeele is gorgeous! Sorry for the delay with congrats - did not visit your blog recently, very busy as usual. She is already 1 month old! Happy Birthday!
All the best! Galina
Congratulations! she is sooo beautiful! i had no idea about the pregnancy so this was a fantastic surprise to see on your blog. xoxo
Congratulations, she looks lovely!
Congratulations, she is so cute :-)
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