Just to let my dear blog readers to know that blogging has been - and will be - a bit erratic recently due to that little fellow on the picture. Our second child - a boy named Aksel - was born early on Saturday morning after a very quick delivery in a nearby birth clinic. We got home on Sunday already, and we're all doing great. However, little Aksel will be surely keeping me away from the laptop for a while, alongside with our soon-to-be-two-daughter Nora, who needs special attention and affection just now.
We're still cooking and taking pictures, of course, and blogging will resume in due course :) Hang on there!
Congratulations to the whole family!
I'm due in two days....
Palju palju önne veelkord! Laupäev paistab olevat viljakas päev, meie siinsetel söpradel sündis laupäeva hommikul samuti poeg:-)
Olge tublid!
Congratulations!!! EVERYONE has been telling me that it's easier with the 2nd one, so... At least, it sounds like labor was. How great that you got both boy and a girl. Take care of yourself! xx
Congratulations, Pille! What a lovely way to start the new year.
Veelkord hästi-hästi suured õnnesoovid kogu perele, jõudu ja vastupidavust ning vähe magamata öid. Norale ka pikk pai tähtse uue staatuse puhul - suur õde on tähtis tiitel!
so lovely, congratulations!
Palju- palju õnne, Pille ja Kristjan!
Nagu naksti :) Palju palju õnne teie perele!
Congratulations to you, Pille, & your whole family. He's so cute:)
So lovely! Congratulations :-)
Oi, nii tore uudis! Palju, palju õnne tervele perele!
Congratulations! You have a beautiful and growing family. =)
I look forward to new pictures and stories from a great mom.
Palju-palju õnne!
Palju-palju õnne teie perele!
Oi mis vahva uudis! No pole ime, et sul Pille, sügisel kokkamiskoolitusi polnud tuju teha ;-)
Palju õnne!!!
Palju-palju õnne ja rõõmu!
Oh my goodness, I had no idea you were pregnant. He is adorable, and how fun to end up with a girl and a boy. And I have a feeling you're a great mother!
Congratulations to all of you!
Lovely news! Congratulations!
Palju, palju õnne!
Suured õnnesoovid! Luba endale puhkust nii palju kui saad!
Congratulations, Pile! Wonderful news!
Beautiful baby - a blessing to your family!
Congratulations! What a beautiful baby! I am very happy for you and your family. It's especially nice that the two children are so close in age --- they should grow up being good friends.
Palju, palju õnne teie perele!
Suured õnnesoovid! :)
Bless him! Congratulations to you, Pille.
Congratulations he is a cutie.
hanks for sharing the picture.
Palju õnne! Vahva nime sai poiss endale.
Palju-palju õnne, Pille! Väga armas ja ilusa nimega poja Sul!
Palju õnne teie perele! :)
I still follow ur blog though my posting has been erratic for awhile as well... but from time to time, my food blog does still do some tickles..
He's beautiful!
Congratulations! Glad to hear that the delivery was quick.
Congratulations to your entire family!
Paljon onnea koko perheelle!
Oh pille, Palju õnne!! Congratulations to all of you! Hope you're all doing good.
Awww he's gorgeous! Looks like we have a lot in common, almost two year old girls, new baby boys and a deep love of cooking... here's to happiness all round in 2011!
palju palju palju önne
jöudu ja jaksu :) minul saab homme 1 kuuseks juba..
Pille!!! Fantastic news! Congratulations!!! So happy for you :) Enjoy this special time! Hugs to you and your two adorable sweeties :)
Little Nora, You little brother is so lucky to have such an amazing Big Sister. Please give a big hug to your momma and daddy and a little one to the baby but please, save a special long and warm hug for yourself.
You are swamped by congratulations, but I'm going to add my two-pence - huuuuuuuge hugs to your whole little (now quite big actually) family!
ps can't believe you were already expecting the little one when I met you back in summer!
Awwww Congratulations!!!!!
What a cutey! Congratulations on a winner, but I'm glad that is all past for me!
As a grandma I get to enjoy the little ones for a bit of time and then hand them back to their parents so I can enjoy a cup of java from my red keurig coffee maker!
Palju palju onne!
Kas tuleb ka moni beebitoidu retsept tulevikus?
Suured õnnesoovid Teie perele! Poiss nagu ponks ja nimi väga vahva :)
I've been reading your blog for a long time and this is the first time that I write something (my english is everything but a wonderful thing :P), but I'd like to congratulate you for that beautiful beautiful boy.
I hope he has a long, healthy and happy life.
Hi Pille, I guess it's been a while since I checked in! Congratulations on your newest family member :)
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