Our third baby was born yesterday morning, on November 4th. She weighed 3710 grams and was 50 cm tall - our biggest baby yet :)
Our oldest - a daughter born in January 2009 and our second child - a son born in January 2011 - are still quite small, 3 years 9 months and 1 year 9 months, respectively. So being heavily pregnant with two small kids needing the attention and trying to write a foodblog - the latter has often had to wait. But I'm still here, and hopefully you'll be patient enough to wait for my future posts - which will be about food, and not kids, I promise :)
Vau! Pille ja Kristjan, õnnitlused! Pille, ei jaksa su tublidust ära imestadagi :) Palju jõudu, rõõmu ja naeru!
Congratulations on the birth of your youngest. Three children so close is wonderful. Mine are three years 7 months apart and they have all grown up together and it is a pleasure and a joy to see them all enter life with their own unique personalities. Enjoy this precious time with them.
Congratulations! I had been wondering if that might be why you weren't around as much these days! Enjoy your time with the littles ones, so much more important than blogging for us :)
Niiiiii palju õnne teile! Armas!
Kuhjaga õnne!
Congratulations! I wish you the best for your whole family.
Palju -palju -palju õnne!
(salalugeja poolt sügavalt Järvamaalt) :)
Oo, palju-palju-palju õnne teie perele! Nii vahva uudis!
Congratulations, Pille!
Congratulations Pille! She looks lovely:)
Nii armas uudis. Palju palju õnne, Pille! :)
Congratulations, Pille! Goodness, you're going to be busy!
Tore uudis! Hästi palju õnne, Pille!
Many congratulations!
Congratulations!! What a beautiful little girl :)
Oi, mis uudis. Palju õnne kogu perele!
nice post
What a sweet baby, congratulations, Pille! This is wonderful news! iris
Hiigelsuured õnnesoovid!
Ükskõik, kui magusast koogist Sa ka ei kirjutaks ja ükskõik, kui ilus foto selle juurde ka ei käiks, sellised uudised on kõige magusamad ja pildid kõige ilusamad! :D Siirad ja soojad õnnesoovid ning mõnusat kooskasvamist teile kõigile! :D
Nii pai ja pisike Nuku. Mamma ka pai!
Your big news! Congratulations Pille!!! I am so happy for you! She is adorable!
I swear, you guys make the cutest kids :) :)
Congratulations! She is lovely. I had wondered, but just thought you were likely very busy with two children - ha! And I'm quite as pleased when you post about your children and your life as when you post about food. From over here in North America, it is all interesting! Best wishes to you all.
Wao! Super cute baby Congratulations!
Congratulations!!! :)
Oh my word - three!! How gorgeous : Congratulations to you both!
Precious! Belated congrats!
Palju õnne!
Ja ka mina imestan, et kuidas sa küll jõuad!
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