My lovely-lovely parcel came from Johanna of the passionate cook and what a treat it was. All the three items in the parcel were delicious and I've already managed to taste everything! Johanna had also included a lovely note introducing the items in the parcel. Although an Austrian living in London, Johanna has an Italian grandfather, so the parcel was a nod to her Italian roots.

There was a jar of chilli & coriander pesto that I used to spice up my fresh (though not home made) mushroom tortellini - lovely. This shop-bought pesto was a last-minute replacement for the homemade cashew, rocket & chilli pesto. I'm looking forward to Johanna posting the recipe for the original pesto on her website soon, so that I could try that one as well:)

And finally, there was a lovely small jar of fragolaceto. I had never heard of that before, and it's was my loss, as it was gorgeous. Johanna describes it as 'strawberry jam with balsamico' and says that it is 'best consumed with (hard) cheese, like parmesan or old gouda. Some people even pour it over vanilla ice cream!'. I really enjoyed this preserve. You see, I had come across several recipes combining strawberries and balsamic vinegar before, but somehow they failed to entice and convince me. I am now so going to try that combination soon. Meanwhile, I ate a spoonful of fragolaceto with some sliced Estonian smoked cheese, suitsujuust. Lovely. And then I threw a spoonful to my Scottish strawberry + Italian mascarpone dessert (ehh - that's strawberries and mascarpone in a small bowl kind of dessert). Utterly lovely again. I really like the sweet-tangy flavour combination - no wonder it complements both savoury and sweet dishes.
PS The DVD I was re-watching while eating cantucci was Todd Solondz's utterly weird and disturbing Happiness from 1999. There must have been something in those yummy cantucci to spark my memory, as I actually rememembered what was going to happen every now and then despite of having seen it last time more than five years ago.. Or maybe it was the rosemary I had couple of weeks ago:)
Update 9 Aug 05: Johanna has kindly posted the recipes for fragolaceto and rocket & cashew pesto on her site, the passionate cook, now. Thank you!
That looks so good! I was quite sad to have been leaving town right at the time the exchange was organized so I couldn't participate, but now I can live it vicariously through you! And I'm also really interested in the recipe for the strawberry-balsamic preserve, it's one of my favorite combinations...
It was really good! Too bad you missed this round, but Andrew @ Spittoon wrote that there will be another one around 24th of September, so you can participate then!
I'm also very keen on that fragolaceto recipe. Johanna @ the passionate cook said on her accompanying note that "recipes on or soon to appear on the site", so there's hope:)
Was googling for more information on fragolaceto and found an Austrian site (Schuberts) that claims it's 'wonderful with unpasteurised milk cheese, soft cheese like Camembert or Brie and also for Raclette. Tastes lovely with processed cheese like Rambol with black pepper or walnuts.'
Bella Italia suggests using 'Fragolaceto on ice cream, hard cheese, meats or shellfish'.
Very-very keen to have the recipe (this is another hint to t.p.c.:)
hi pille and melissa, of course I am going to post it soon. in fact, i might just start writing it up now, so it won't be too long. I am really glad you liked your parcel, Pille, and I can't wait to receive mine!
Hi Johanna - thanks for popping by and also for already posting the recipe for fragolata at your website!
I hope you'll receive your parcel soon, too!
What a lovely package to receive!
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