On Sunday this little food blog of mine, NAMI-NAMI, turned three. On June 15, 2005 (while still living in Edinburgh), I wrote my first post, which has led to three more years of food-related posts. Starting this food blog was one of the best decisions I made that year, as it has led to making and meeting many good friends both in 'real life' and on the Internet. Lots of other things have changed during that time. I've moved back home to Estonia. I've started a new life with K. I've started a new job. More importantly, during that time I've become a better cook. I've learned a lot from reading your food blogs, dear readers. I've read zillion cookbooks, taken two professional cookery courses here in Tallinn, done an 10-day internship in a top gourmet restaurant, relaunched my Estonian site. I've got a new camera, and even took a short photography course last year. Life is good..
Thank you all for being such generous readers and a special thank you to K. for putting up with this somewhat obsessive blogging of mine..
Here's what we ate on the morning of Nami-nami's third blogday:
Baked Eggy Brunch Tomatoes
(Küpsetatud tomatid munaga)
Serves 4, can be easily halved, doubled, trebled
Adapted from BBC Good Food (June 2006)

4 large tomatoes
4 medium free-range eggs
freshly ground black pepepr
4 slices of thick rye bread
8 slices of smoked bacon
Heat the oven to 200 Celsius.
Cut a lid off tomatoes and scoop out the seeds, using a small spoon.
Place tomatoes on a baking sheet, season the insides with salt and pepper.
Break an egg into each tomato and top with a small piece of butter. Season again and replace the lid.
Bake in the middle of the pre-heated oven for about 25 minutes, until the eggs are set to a suitable degree (20 minutes, if you prefer your egg runny).
Place the bacon slices ionto the baking sheet for the last 10 minutes, so they could crispen up.
Toast the bread, and smear with butter.
Place two slices of bacon onto each slice of bread and top with a tomato.
Garnish with some fresh herbs and serve. (Note that baked tomato is very hot in the beginning!)
Other relevant posts:
Nami-nami turns ONE
Nami-nami turns TWO
Moving back home
Happy blog birthday! Here's to another three years. :)
Palju õnne blogile!!!
Ja Sa oled vist ikka natuke süüdi ka selles, mis suunas ma enda omaga alustasin. Vähemalt julgen kahtlustada :P
You were always a very accomplished cook! So you might have fine tuned your skills, but you were great already x
Happy Blog Birthday Pille!!! :) I'm looking forward to many more years of Nami-nami! :)
That's a lovely looking breakfast!
Happy Blog B-day! Looking forward to more delicious adventures :)
Minu poolt ka õnnitlused! Kardetavasti on su blogi, rõõmsameelsus, sõbralikkus ja entusliasm natuke süüdi ka minu blogi alustamise mõjutamises :)
Happy three year blog birthday! My own (two year) was this weekend, too -- so many blogs begin in June. Congratulations on three wonderful years; your blogs is one that I read and enjoy every week.
Happy blog birthday, dear Pille!
Happy birthday! We must have been in the same mindset Sunday, as I made baked eggs also. :-) Love the idea of baking them in tomatoes, and will surely try that when they come into season here!
Happy blog birthday! I can still remember finding your blog, and liking it right from the start.
Happy blogger birthday, wow 3 years. it is funny how something that woudl seem so simple becomes such a big part of you life, I too have meet great people through food blogging, it has changed my life. Thank you for adding to this world in your own way.
Happy Blog Birthday, Pille! May there be many more ...
Congratulations on three years of blogging! Your blog is always a great source of pleasure.
Happy blogversary!
I have used more of your recipes than those of any other blog. I made my entire 50th birthday party dinner around recipes & ideas I found here!
Congratulations, Pille! So very interesting how blogging fit into your life and cooking and education.
Palju õnne blogi sünnipäeva puhul! :) Sa oled ikka tõsiselt tubli olnud ja vaeva näinud.. ma arvan, et su blogi võib sinuga täiesti rahul olla ;)
wow! that´s such a pretty dish. Feliz cumpleaños and many more happy years of great food and writing.
Palju õnne ka minu poolt! Peab tunnistama, et osaliselt oled ka minu puhul süüdi mis süüdi! :) Ja selle roa proovin kindlalt ära, juba näitasin mehele ka, mis teda varsti ees ootab :)
happy blog birthday Pille!! wishing more delicious cooking and blogging adventures to come!!
Happy blog birthday, dear Pille!!! You're so talented and I wish you all the best!
Happy anniversary to Nami Nami! And here's to many more years.
Love the egg tomato thing, so original.
Happy Blog Birthday!! I've loved every one of your recipes that I've made, and this one sounds incredible!! We'll be trying this one soon!!! :)
Happy blog birthday Pille. It's been a pleasure knowing you all this time. I love your recipes and this one looks sensational!
Congratulations on your lovely and inspiring blog. Here's to many more years!
And thanks for the tomato-eggy brunch recipe. I love tomato flavours with eggs, and I have been looking for new ways to present them, to bring my husband around to my way of thinking. This looks like just the ticket! Thanks!
hi pille,
actually i mentioned the vomit bag because in greece, it would simply be unheard of to use aubergines from a can or jar - except if a foreigner buys it because they were used to it from their own countries, or because they can't fathom scooking form scratch - and as my blog concerns mainly cretan food, i mentioned it as a joke, more to make a point of the BBC's frequent first-page top-10 google search hits on most food topics, even though they are not using genuine sources.
greece is one of those countries where most people cook from scratch, while britain is at the extreme end - they buy ready meals, ready salads, ready-everything, something we joke about in greece.
i also realise that in some northern european countries, a lot of people find greek food far too rich for them, as i mentioned in the moussaka post, just like the average greek would find a lot of northern european foods too bland. i base my ideas on my very traditional husband who shirks at the thought of eating anything that isnt faintly reminiscent of cretan cooking!
for a comical version of what could happen in a greek household if i were to serve up lunch (our main meal in crete) deviating from the normal greek recipe, try this post:
Dear Pille, a little late, but I wish you a very happy Blog birthday! I'm looking forward to the next three years!Zsofi
Happy Blog Day! Wishing your many, many more! What a delicious way to celebrate. ;-)
Happy belated birthday! This is a fantastic idea! It's so creative.
Hilised õnnitlused blogile! See on üks mu lemmikuid ning käin seda piilumas vaat et iga päev, et midagi uut ja huvitavat avastada :) Aga tegelikult tahtsin veel öelda, et see täidetud munade retsept on väga isuäratav ning kaval plaan on seda homme ka järele proovida... :) Veronika
Happy birthday to your blog!! (a bit delayed, I know!)
I wish you another 3 years of wonderful recipes, stories and pictures.
I'll be reading from London, Barcelona or anywhere else!!
Happy birthday! Time surely does fly when you're having fun :) It's been a pleasure getting to know you via your blog and in person. And I love these eggy tomatoes - so simple and clever :)
These look great! Linking back in today's post :)
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