Friday, June 15, 2007

Nami-nami turns two and tells you which other foodbloggers make her think

It's exactly two years since I posted my first post on this food blog. Two years and some 300 posts later, I'm still enjoying blogging immensely. Through blogging, I've met a number of wonderful bloggers face to face, including Johanna, Jeanne, Antti, and Melissa, to name just a few. I'm due to meet another great blogger, and the author of my beautiful new banner, Ximena, later this summer. And 'virtually', I've come to know many more fabulous bloggers that I'd love to meet one day. Because of foodblogging, I've become much more reflexive about what, why, when and how I cook; I've become more aware of my food-shopping & consumption habits; and last, but not least, I've become a much more skilled, adventurous and knowledgeable cook during these two years..

Thank you all for keeping coming back for more, leaving comments, and generally being so supportive..

Coincidentally, I've been twice nominated for the Thinking Blogger Award - first by lovely Susan of FoodBlogga, and then by my dear long-time reader Joey of 80 Breakfasts. I'm really flattered, and honoured. I am also supposed to nominate five more bloggers for the thinking blogger award (and if you feel like, pass on the awards, though there's absolutely no obligation, of course).

So who are the five bloggers that make me think (particularly much)? In no particular order, I'd like to nominate:

Johanna of The Passionate Cook. I've met Johanna on several occasions now - she came to visit me in Edinburgh, I've stayed with her in London twice - in June 2006 and in April 2007, and I guess I can say that we've become pretty good friends through this foodblogging thing. Having seen her cook on several occasions, and tried her tasty food and successfully recreated many of her recipes, I'm amazed how she combines blogging about such delightful, tempting, beautifully styled and executed dishes, while also keeping tabs on a family of three kids - including a 3-year old and a few month old baby, and do contract catering every now and then as well! I hope this is a task I can cope with one day myself with such an (seemingly) effortless ease!

Bea of La Tartine Gourmande. I've learned (or I hope at least that I have) immensely about food styling and photography from Bea. More than any other blogger, Bea makes me think about the aesthetics of various dishes. Her way with colours and light are truly inspirational, and make me want to learn more about food styling and photography every time.

Ilva of Lucullian Delights inspires me because her blog feels most seasonal and relaxed to be. I like her style of recipes - they're very much Nigel Slater'esque. You know, a handful of this, a drizzle of that, couple of these -you get the picture. Cooking by eye, intuition and gut feeling, I think, and not sticking religiously to a recipe. This is very much how I cook most of the time, and occasionally I find the need to write down exact - or even approximate - amounts frustrating. Ilva's posts encourage me and tell me that I must be doing something right, even if it is by intuition rather than precision.

Then there's a young Estonian foodblogger Merilin of Pisike ja Pisut Segi, who works as a food technology & safety scientist during the day, and blogs about food and the How? and Why? behind cooking during the night, and she does that in a language I understand (in all senses of the word). She's destined to become the Harold McGee of Estonia one day very soon, I'm sure about it.

And the joint fifth award goes to Alanna of A Veggie Venture and Kalyn of Kalyn's Kitchen for widening my horizon about different uses for healthy and tasty vegetables, and providing me with ever-so-nice supply of inspiring recipes to boot.

Thank you all - for making me think, and for making me blog! I'm off to celebrate this second foodblogging-birthday now :)


ScienceMel said...

Happy 2nd Birthday! Thank you for making me think.

Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) said...

Happy blog birthday, Pille! I'm so glad I discovered Nami-nami. Thank you for sharing your unique perspective on food and the food traditions of Estonia.

Alanna Kellogg said...

Happy Blog Birthday, Pille! And thank you for the 'thinking' blogger, it's an honor to be included!

K and S said...

Happy Blog b-day! I can't wait to see what good things this year holds for your blog and you! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Day Pille. What an accomplishment after two years. I feel honored to be in such good company, and be included in the list of blogs that make you think! Merci!
And a big thank to you for sharing recipes and food traditions from your country. It makes me feel I travel!

Kalyn Denny said...

Congratulations on your blog's birthday. There are a lot of us who started right around the same time and have become what Alanna and I call "blog friends." I think that's quite interesting. And thanks for the nomination, I'm honored.

Jeanne said...

Hey - happy blogday! It's been a privilege to get to know you both on and offline and I look forward to many more happy shared meals, and of course many more of your wonderful posts :)

Anonymous said...

Happy blog birthday Pille! And thank you for making me think! :)

Brilynn said...

Congrats on 2 years! I love reading about your cooking adventures.

Kajakas said...

palju õnne ja bänner on lihtsalt imeilus

Anonymous said...

Head sünnipäeva Nami-nami! Alles hiljuti avastasin su blogi, ja mulle väga meeldib.
--Fänn USAs

Susan from Food Blogga said...

Happy blog birthday, Pille! Aren't you lovely in that picture! :)

Tea said...

Happy, happy birthday! Isn't it true how food blogging broadens your horizons--in many ways. My horizons are broader for reading Nami-nami!

PS. I love, love, love the new banner:-)

chili&vanilia said...

Happy BlogBirthday dear Pille! I wish many more foodblogging years for you and for us!! Cheers, Zsofi

Katie Zeller said...

Happy Blogiversary - and many more!
And congrats on the Thinking Blogger! Well done, and all that!
Now I have to go read about the 'shrooms

Shaun said...

Pille - Happy 2nd Birthday! You have a unique perspective on food and write with an assured voice, which makes for pleasurably addictive reading.

Manuel said...

I've only just come across your blog in the last week and love it already. I work in a restaurant, as a waiter, and have worked with food/wine for 18 years. My dad is a chef, my granny was too. I have uncles who are chefs and my sister is a genius in the kitchen as well. But the passion for food on here eclipses them all. Well done you...

Helene said...

Happy blog birthday Pille! I love that new banner and I am forever grateful for your enlightening posts about the cuisine from your country!

Zarah Maria said...

Congrats Pille! Blog-Babies grow so fast!:)

Ilva said...

Oh Pille, you just made me a very happy food blogger, thanks! And happy blog birthday! puss och kram

ps. do you know I started my Swedish food blog the 14 of June two years ago? It must have been something in the air...

Anonymous said...

Happy, Happy Birthday to your blog! So glad you started a blog. Yours was the second blog I discovered when I first looked for food blogs. Melissa (Traveling Lunchbox)was the first and I found your blog through hers. I'm so glad.


Thredahlia said...

Happy Birthday to Nami-Nami!

And thank you for the nomination! You make me blush :) What a nice thing to read on a rainy Sunday morning.
Food safety is a part of my job, food science and technology are simply something I'm quite interested in. Comparison with the famous Harold McGee... I really admire his works and passion but would never dare to compare myself to his erudition.
I'm glad to make people think though :P

thepassionatecook said...

Happy birthday! we certainly have become good friends over those last few years and i hope it will be something we'll be savouring for a long time!
keep up the good work! (and congratulations to your "new" contributor k as well... it wouldn't be the same without him ;-))

Trig said...

Happy blogday, Pille. I've enjoyed your posts and look forward to reading them in year 3 of your bloglife.

Valentina said...

congratulations Pille!! I love your blog,It is such a lovely space, and I have had great reads here and felt terribly inspired many times.

Anonymous said...

A belated happy birthday from me too!

And I'm insanely jealous of your new banner!

Pille said...

Thank you, everyone, for your kind wishes & words - they are much appreciated and make this blogging so much more worthwile! I'm especially happy that I've made at least some of you to look up tiny far-far-away Estonia on the global map:)

Fänn USAs - teretulemast! Loodan, et jääte ka edaspidi lugema ja kommenteerima!

Manuel - you flatter like a true Latino man:) Thank you for your kind words, however!

Ilva - I'd say lots of very good foodbloggers began that June:)

Paz - I didn't realise I was one of your first ones:)

Johanna - you're right, it wouldn't be the same without K - he's inspiring and supportive beyond belief. I'm one lucky girl:)

Richard - well, you know where to get one!

mary grimm said...

Great choices! And I'd like to say thank you for your own blogging, which I enjoy immensely. I found La Tartine Gourmande and Lucullan Delights through you, so thank you for that, too.

Shayne said...

Thank you for your comments about doing your blog it was stated so beautifully and it really hit home as to why to blog.