Saturday, June 02, 2007

I've got a new banner!

As of today, my old and simple banner lettering NAMI-NAMI: a food blog about cooking and eating in Estonia and beyond is replaced by this gorgeous new banner drawn by the ever-talented Ximena of the Lobstersquad blog. I hope you like it as much as I do - and I personally think it's wonderful, depicting me and my hometown Tallinn just the way I like it!

I'm using a new blogger template now, so there have been other small changes to the layout. On the sidebar you'll find post labels now, as well as books I want and books I recommend. The recent comments cover now the whole blog and not just the front page entries, which is useful, as there are comments being added to archived posts, too.

Please let me know if something isn't working properly or should be changed.

Have a lovely weekend, everyone!

UPDATE 11.6.2007: Check out Ximena's post as well :)


Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) said...

Once again, the super-talented Ximena has captured the spirit of both blog and blogger! Love the new look. I find it's really helpful to show recent comments from older posts, as my readers also go back into the archives to add new information. Congratulations on your new design.

Anonymous said...

Looks lovely! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

I love it! It's beautiful!

Kalyn Denny said...

I love the new look. She really is talented with the banner designs. I agree, it fits your blog perfectly.

Ilva said...

It looks great Pille, beautiful banner! So now the beauty of the contents walk hand in hand with the beauty of the visual side of your blog!

K and S said...

I love the new look! Congratulations!

Bonnie said...

Definitely love the new banner! Suits you and your blog. Nice job Ximena!

Alanna Kellogg said...

Love it, love it, LOVE it!! I love the sense of Tallina, also of you, casual, relaxed, connected. You are both inspired - and inspiring!

Zarah Maria said...

This looks awesome Pille! Congrats on the new design!

Can I pick your brain on where you got the recent comments thing? My old one didn't work with the new template, and I haven't been able to locate a new one that actually works. And I miss it so!

Katie Zeller said...

Well done! Great new banner!
Maybe after i get my garden in I'll have time to play with my, then it's the weeding.
Love the new look (liked the old one, too)

Anonymous said...

She is so talented. I have to pop in every few days to she what she has drawn now.
Love your banner~ it is perfect!

Maggie said...

Lovin' it!!!

Kerstin Klein said...

The header is beautiful!

Anne said...

Oh, I love it! What a great look!

Chris said...

I so love the banner!!!!! Fabulous!

lobstersquad said...

I´ve been away all weekend, but this is a lovely Monday morning surprise.
I think it looks beautiful, really, but how could it not, with Tallin in the background?

Maarja said...

armas bänner, eriti meeldib mulle see kohvikann:D

Anonymous said...

Nii-nii, tõesti väga lahe. Aga kus on (udus? aimatav?) (teadus(raamatu(kogu)hunnikud või vihje vanale heale Inglismaale või vähemalt Tallinna Ülikoolile? ;)

Anonymous said...

Lovely, Pille!... The banner looks too good... and so are the letters"nami nami" on it. Congrats!

Gracianne said...

Nice one, really cute.

chili&vanilia said...

Pille, the new look is fantastic, congratulations!!!

Susan from Food Blogga said...

It's perfect, Pille!

christine said...

It's beautiful!! And it's perfect for you. :) Ximena is one extremely talented woman. A friend is making mine, and I can't wait for it to be done. Even more so now after seeing how pretty yours is.

Thredahlia said...

Uus päis on kena ja sobib oivaliselt :P
Tere tulemast uude Bloggerisse :)

thepassionatecook said...

What a fantastic make-over! It really suits you and the blog... excellent. i think i'll have to work on a new style as well ;-)

neil said...

Great new look, it really fits in well. Great job the pair of you.

Valentina said...

Fantastic new look. Ximena is a great artist.

Anonymous said...

I was pretty sure I left a comment here days ago but then maybe I thought I did. Anyway, I love the new banner, it is simply beautiful and I love the colors! Ximena did a wonderful job!

Pille said...

Thank you, everyone, for your kind comments about my (and Ximena's) new banner!

Zarah Maria - I guess you've seen my email about the recent comments thingy by now.

Kadri - oh, kes seda udu siia joonistama hakkab, blogipäis peab ikka positiivne ja meeldiv olema. Ja mu põhitööks on trükimeedia põhjalik uurimine, nii et ajaleht esindab mu akadeemilist külge ka (lisaks sellele, et see mu elustiili visualiseerib:)

Veron - I saw your comment on Ximena's post about my new banner - that's why you're confused probably:) Thank you for commenting here, too! (And yes, the colours are wonderful - I'm very pleased)