Photo updated in February 2010.
This is a very special birthday cake to a very special person. Unfortunately the birthday person is far-far away, so I have to deliver my cake virtually - but it's the thought that counts, isn't it:)
It's umpteenth time that I make this cake and it's still yummy and tempting. It is a doddle to make, smells divine, and it's really tasty. The recipe is from Nigella's How To Be A Domestic Goddess bible. I've reduced the amount of sugar in the recipe, but otherwise follow it.
A good thing about this cake is, that there are just three items to wash afterwards - the saucepan, wooden spoon and the baking tin..
Store-cupboard Chocolate-Orange Cake
Serves about 8
125 grams of unsalted butter
100 grams of dark chocolate
300 grams of good quality orange marmalade
100 grams of sugar (Nigella uses 150 grams)
a pinch of salt
2 large eggs
150 grams of self-rising flour (or 150 g all-purpose flour and 1.5 tsp baking powder)
Melt the butter slowly in a heavy-bottom saucepan. When it's almost melted, add chocolate pieces, stir and take off the heat. Stir with a wooden spoon, until chocolate has melted.
Add the marmalade, sugar, salt and eggs. Stir thoroughly (it's okay to leave small visible chunks of marmalade in the batter).
Add sifted flour, stir and pour into a buttered and floured 20-22 cm loose bottomed cake tin.
Bake at 180˚C oven for 45-50 minutes, until the cake has set (test with a knife or wooden stick).
Leave to cool in the tin for about 10 minutes, then slide onto a plate.
I usually serve it warm-ish, dusted with icing sugar. But it's also delicious on the day after.
Thank you so much Pille! The sweetest virtual cake ever! I have tasted in the past, and I can still feel the taste in my mouth when I look at the pictures! Efharisto loads:).
phwoar, that looks delicious. and looks like an easy enough recipe for a boffin like me. hope the birthday person liked the virtual gift :)
Hi Pille-twin or not-so-twin (depends on kitchen temperature ;-)
what a great recipe. And since I almost love nothing more than citrus - and chocolate ! - I will have to try this. A very happy birthday wish to T. ! Take care, angelika
What a delicious looking cake. Birthday greetings!
Thanasis - paragalo. You're very welcome, and I knew you'd like the cake:)
Shauna - it's really easy, with pretty much no washing up afterwards! My kind of cake indeed (and it did please the birthday person, so it was definitely worth the minimal effort:)
Angelika - we do seem to have similar tastes, so maybe we're twins after all, at least in foodiesphere:) I like citrus fruits and chocolate a lot, though not necessarity always in the same dish..
Paz - thanks, both for comments about the cake and the birthday greetings!
hi again! i made this on saturday to take to a friends house, it was sooo easy and delicious. we ended up having it for dessert. i meant to get some vanilla ice cream or some creme fraiche to go with it but forgot, so all they had was Green & Blacks Choc/Orange icecream. Oh dear, a bit of overkill on the orange/choc theme, but still a worthy dessert :)
Shauna - I'm glad to hear it worked for you!!! Though the idea of having chocolate orange cake with chocolate orange ice cream sounds fun. But maybe it wasn't an overkill, but intensifying the flavour combination even more:)))
I made this cake today, after seeing it in Nigellas book. Loved it!
Uploaded a photo to my deviantart account, check it out at :
Popher- glad to hear you liked the cake - it sure looks nice on your picture. Now that autumn is approaching, I'll be baking this again soon.
Really simple, ingredients always on hand; and totally yummy. I don't have a springform pan so I used a Bundt pan and it worked just as well.
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