Malaysian BBQ Pork
(Ahjus röstitud malaisiapärane seafilee)
Adapted from pure points 2 cookbook
Serves 4

~ 500 gram of pork fillet, trimmed of all fat
For the marinade:
1 Tbsp honey
150 ml dark soy sauce (I used Kikkoman)
50 ml medium-dry sherry
150 ml stock (I used Marigold Swiss vegetable stock powder)
1 Tbsp sweet chilli sauce
1 cm piece of fresh ginger, finely sliced
1 shallot onion, finely chopped
1 lemongrass (outer layers removed), finely chopped
For the garnish:
chopped spring onion (optional)
Mix all the marinade ingredients in a small saucepan. Bring to the boil and simmer on low heat for 15 minutes. Let cool.
Put the pork fillet in a shallow dish, cover with marinade and chill in the fridge for at least 2 hours, preferably overnight. Turn the meat every now and then to ensure even flavouring.

Place the meat on a rack over a roasting tin, and pour about 1 cm boiling water into the tin to keep the moisture.
(Note the inventive use of Christmas cookie cutters in the absence of roasting rack in my kitchen).
Put the roasting tin into the oven, and roast in the middle of a 200°C oven for about 30-40 minutes, basting with marinade half way through.
Meanwhile, strain the marinade into a small saucepan, bring the liquid to the boil and simmer for about 15 minutes, until the marinade has reduced by about 1/3.
Serve the sliced pork (either hot or cold) on a bed of slightly steamed bok choy, spinach or sprouting broccoli. Drizzle some reduced marinade on top.
I love the look of this dish Pille. Over the last few years I have become madly in love with pork.Grabbing my pen..
Kuna ma hommikust veel pole söönud, siis kisub väga juba lõunasöögi poole igatahes tühi kõht läks veel tühjemaks.
Kindlasti proovin järgi teha, kõlab ja näeb välja üliahvatlev..
Valentina - I grew up eating pork, but eat less and less meat nowadays. The supermarket stuff can be so disappointing, so I've just stopped buying meat from there. However, now that I've 'befriended' couple of butchers at the local farmers' market, I can get hold of some delicious and good quality pieces of meat, so I'm eating meat at least occasionally.. And this pork dish had plenty of character, so I loved it.
Thredahlia - hommikusöögiks vist ei sobiks see, aga tea midagi:) Anna teada, kuidas välja tuli..
Kui mul millegi isu tuleb, siis i loe ka see, kui kell on 3 öösel :D - peab lihtsalt saama.
Annan teada, kui menüüsse jõuab :).
Thredahlia - vist jah:) Jään siis tagasisidet ootama!
Amyjames - thank you for your kind words. If you're at the Edinburgh Farmers' Market, then I really recommend Puddledub for pork (I've tried some of the other stalls, but Puddledub comes out as a clear favourite) and Well Hung & Tender for their beef:) Afternoon farmers market would be great indeed - I've missed far too many just because I was bedbound;-)
Väga maitsev nädalavahetuse õhtusöök oli ja hea vaheldus harilikule hautatud sealihale või õllega küpsetamisele, mis mul traditsiooniks juba on saanud.
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