Yes, it's that time of the month again when Daring Bakers strike across the foodblogosphere! And I'm one of them. Since joining the ranks of Daring Bakers I've made Jewish Purist's Bagels, then a fancy Strawberry Mirror Cake, followed by a delicious Milk Chocolate & Caramel Tart a la Eric Kayser, and last month I was baking very comforting Sticky Buns & Cinnamon Buns. This month a lot of Daring Bakers are making Bostini Cream Pies. October challenge was set by Mary of AlpineBerry, and you can find the recipe here. Mary tells you all about the background of Bostini Cream Pies, but apparently it's an adaptation of Boston cream pie (vanilla layer cake with cream and topped with chocolate glaze). Boston cream pie is an American classic - the official state dessert of Massachusetts, no less - created by French chef M. Sanzian at Parker House Hotel in Boston a while ago.
Bostini Cream Pie is similar, yet different. The dessert was nice - a combination of rich vanilla custard, light orange chiffon cake and a glossy dark chocolate glaze. It was easy to make and assemble, and I used my silicon muffin tray for baking the chiffon cakes which worked really well. We enjoyed this American classic just before watching a great American movie (TransAmerica), so it was a thoroughly American Sunday:) However, there's something about the American cakes & desserts that I never understand. As it was just two of us eating it this weekend, we halved the recipe, which should have yielded four desserts. Yet we still ended up with enough custard, cakes and chocolate glaze to feed at least 6 (if not 8) comfortably - and believe me, neither I or K. can boast to have a small appetite. I could, in theory, have eaten a 1/8th of the original recipe instead of lunch or dinner, but never ever as a dessert after the starter and main course..
Anyway - my favourite Daring Baker challenge so far is still the Milk Chocolate & Caramel Tart a la Eric Kayser, K. swears by the Strawberry Mirror Cake. We're both looking forward to the next month's challenge :)
You can learn how other Daring Bakers did with this month's challenge by browsing through the blogroll here. There are about 200 Daring Bakers already, so be patient:)
Kas selle kohta saaks ka eestikeelset seletust?
Eva (Flickr).
Great job! I love the orange zest! And I agree - it was a huuuuuge recipe to start with :)
I agree, the sheer enormity of the servings...unbelievable!
Tundub kohutav kogus olevat jah, arvestades kasutatud munade hulka. Ise ei kasuta kunagi ameerika retsepte, sest nende cup'id ja stick'id on mulle arusaamatud kogused.
Your little Bostini looks like just the right size. I also halved things (I was shocked by all the eggs and felt a bit bad about the amount of work I was asking chickens to do for me) and still had plenty left. I really can't imagine what a full sized serving would be like...
Pille, I am with you. I halved the recipe, and still have custard for more than 4 serves. As for the cake, I used the left over batter in muffin case. Great for snacking!
Great plating, Pille! I halved the recipe too and there was also a lot left.
Pille it looks wonderful. Love the orange zest and dark chocolate. Everything is just right.
Beautiful. And I like your choice of movie!
i like how u have presented your dessert. Quite different frm the others.
I like your orange peel on top! Nicely done!
Pille, wow!!! wonderful recipe looks lovely xxx Gloria
Great presentation, the zest makes for the perfect touch and clues everybody in for the flavor.
I blame McDonalds, they started the super size it craze.
Coming from the home of Boston Cream Pie, I'd never heard of Bostini before. I look forward each month to the new adventures of the Daring Bakers.
I love the shape of your cake! It looks lovely, Pille. =)
What a beautiful cake! I'm finding that the cakes are what makes them look unique, and yours has a wonderful shape.
Thanks for your comment on mine! Perhaps your participation in the DB will help you acclimate to the enormity of American portions. I will add that I too halved the recipe and servied that in only 3 cups and my husband polished off one in about 3 minutes (and was about to lick the glass when I took it away) : )
Your chiffon looks so soft and perfect! The whole thing looks so delicte :)
I know what you mean about the serving size...I "thirded" my custard and made 7 servings!
I halved it, too. I just couldn't get myself to use the complete amount of everything! It made enough to serve five generously and enough for four mini servings. It seriously would have made more than eight mini servings, which would have been just right.
Great job! Also, you have a wonderful blog.
Hi Pille,
Thank you for your comments on my bostini.
I totally agree with you - the serving size as written is a huge lot for it to be served after a starter and a main course. But, it really is good!
I love your plating, and the darkness of your chocolate. :)
Hello and WoW! I love how you gave the background for the Boston Cream Pie along with your presentation. Nicely done! =D Also, I am going to keep in mind for later use your idea on the silicon muffin pan. Great idea!
Shandy (Pastry Heaven)
LOL! Great minds think alike Pille! I love yours. It looks rich and oh sooo decadent.
Yes, the original serving size was absolutely crazy big! Easily serves 18.
Lovely job!! I only did 1/3 of the custard and easily got 4 servings. Crazy serving sizes!!
Enough to feed 6-8 indeed. I have a whole cake sitting in the frige (after three of us had the first batch) and I'm trying to figure out what to do with it. Yours is lovely!
Hey Pille. I had to cut the recipe down too..just way too much for 2 people. Good job:)
Very nice! I love the zest garnish, too.
Beautiful job Pille I can't wait for November too!
The rich dark chocolate glaze was my favorite part of this month's challenge! Your Bostinis turned out beautifully. The Milk Chocolate Caramel Tarts were before my time as a Daring Baker, but they looked so yummy to me as well when I read through all of the posts for that month. :-)
The recipe does make a lot of everything. I was able serve 20 people with the full recipe and I even had some cake and sauce leftover too. Very well done Pille and looking forward to next month's challenge.
I should have cut it in half. I'll have to think halfs in these challanges.
Looks so dainty and perfect. Great job!
Love how your Bostini turned out! Pille, every challenge you rise to the occasion with lovely pictures and a great post!! Glad you are one of us!!!
You are right on the money about the size of this dessert. It could have fed a dozen or more. The Bostini's were so rich that we shared ours and I had plenty left to take to work, too.
The dark chocolate glaze looks absolutely tempting. It's simply lovely :)
I wholeheartedly agree about the size of this recipe. I halved it and still was able to get 8 decent-sized desserts out of it. When I took it over to my taste-testing neighbors, they were shocked that this was a half portion!
Yours looks beautiful floating in that pool of custard!
Look great!
Your bostini turned out beautifully. I loved your presentation.
Natalie @ Gluten A Go Go
Oh, that bostini is cute! Looks terrific. They are deceptively rich, no? Great job on this one!
jen at use real butter
Perfect! Scrumptious!
Well done, it looks lovely! I can only agree on the serving sizes, they were huuuuuge!
I too was amazed at how much the halved recipe made! Your bostini is lovely!
I hear you on the quantities: I was able to get 16 good size desserts, cake, cream and chocolate included!! You did a mighty fine job!
I love the shape of your cake. Looks divine. And, I agree with you about the Milk Chocolate & Caramel Tart. I made it to challenge myself, which led to my asking to join Daring Bakers. It's exciting to be part of such a creative and friendly group.
Great job! Looks like you had no trouble with the conversion to metric measurements (I didn't either). Well done! I missed on the milk chocolate and caramel tart, as the cinnamon buns were my first challenge, but I have got the recipe here and plan to try it soon, especially now you've mentioned it was your favourite DB challenge so far!
Looks absolutely delicious and adorable! Beautiful presentation, dear.
Hi Pille! Lovely lil bostinis :)
You're right--TransAmerica is a great American movie! I just wish more Americans thought so. Wonderful job with your dessert! I'm glad it turned out so well for you!
Well done! Your Bostoni looks wonderful!
Your bostini looks very cute Pille. And I absolutely agree with you: the Eric Kayser tart was my favourite as well!
Very lovely Bostini, almost makes me want to have some more- but I overdosed on my own. :)
Nicely done!
Yeah, I halved this dessert...way too big for the two whole people in my family. Excellent job with your bostini.
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