While I'm still a bit exhausted after a day forageing for wild mushrooms in the forests on Saturday (and then cleaning, pickling, salting, frying them until the wee hours of the morning - and yes, of course I will be writing about those gorgeous mushrooms soon), and completing my latest Daring Baker challenge yesterday, I thought I post a photo of my newest kitchen acquisition, 2 lovely Höganäs mugs (above).

And the two Höganäs mugs? Well, Anne, Dagmar and Kristina brought those as a gift to me, to accompany my gorgeous Höganäs teapot. What a thoughtful present, and what wonderfully perfect-sized mugs!

Meanwhile - the bruschetta-lookalikes on the top and above photo are nothing but. They're butter-fried crispy white bread slices with tomato-onion-dill topping, prepared according to a recipe from a very sweet Estonian blogger Krentu. Bread slices are fried slowly and gently in plenty of good butter, and topped with finely chopped sweet onion, ripe tomato and fragrant dill. That's it. That's how a friend of Krentu's late grandmother ate tomatoes during the summer, so the recipe is very old, definitely local and utterly delicious :) Aitäh, Eveli!!!
tore, et maitses :)
btw, nii kui ma lugesin Sinu kaneelisaiadest, läksin ja panin kohe taina kerkima. selline isu tuli! aga ei lastud mul ühtegi glasuuri teha, hea et jõudsin saiad ahju panna. ma tegin ikka oma harjunud retsepti järgi ;)
I love tomato. And the toast with tomato looks really refreshing
So often the old recipes are the best - lots of butter...yum!
Love your cups - they look like a good size for a proper cuppa..
What a beautiful twist on the tomato bread! Sounds just wonderful. I can't wait to see what you do with those mushrooms!
Those looks so delicious. I will try it out soon.
I'm glad that you liked the mugs. Thanks again for a lovely day!
The "sandwiches" look delicious, what a nice twist with dill!
what great gifts and the toast looks lovely.
fried bread has to be the most delicious, ultimate comfort food thing ever.
Oh, I like this! Nice and colorful and delicious-looking.
Good for you!I just love meeting fellow food bloggers. That tomato toast looks so appetizing!
There is absolutely nothing better than Summer Estonian tomatoes. This year I got a taste of the yellow variety also and even though it is only October I already look forward to the next July to enjoy those delicacies. Extraordinary!
Best, best.
Bread fried in good butter... I feel my arteries hardening and my head swimming as I swoon with pleasure. That looks superb and a great combination of healthy & unhealthy!
And how lucky of you to meet up with these lovely ladies - you must have had a ball :)
Krentu - pean tunnistama, et ise eelistan ka neid 'tavalisi' kaneelisaiu. Kuigi neid 'iirissaiu' teeks vist edaspidigi, siis neid Reinharti kaneelirulle enam mitte. Saiataina sisse peab kardemon ka ikka käima:)
Happy Cook - thank you!
Katie - the mugs are a great size indeed - huge, and very good shaping for 'cupping' your hands around it:)
Figs Olives Wine - mushroom posts are on their way!
The Cooking Ninja - thanks!
Dagmar - dill makes all the difference indeed. As much as I like basil, then dill ranks higher on my list of favourite herbs!
K&S - those Swedish bloggers sure know how to please another foodblogger:)
Ximena - I agree!!
Paz - very appealing, isn't it?
Veron - yes, meeting other bloggers is so much fun. You get such a great glimpse into other people's lives through their blogs, but it's still nice to see the 'real' person behind the blog!
Salulaidsolarte - I'm sure organic, sun-ripened tomatoes are good anywhere, as long as they're eaten then and there:) I've had some amazing red tomatoes on Santorini, Greece - but yes, the ones I've been picking from my own tomato container have been amazing:)
Jeanne - I like perfect combinations of healthy & unhealthy. It's the culinary equivalent of being nice & naughty at the same time:)
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