Having consumed this drink non-stop* for 2 days now, I decided it's about time to share the recipe with you.
Blackcurrant infusion
Serves 1
750 mg Paracetamol Ph. Eur.
10 mg Phenylephrine Hydrochloride BP
60 mg Ascorbic Acid
Blackcurrant extract
sugar to taste
boiling water to fill the cup
If you prefer your infusions on the sharp side, then you might want to replace the blackcurrant with squeeze or two of lemon (top, on the right).
Also known as Coldrex or Lemsip:)
Am feverish, sniffing and sneezing and sweating and coughing in my bed, having finally caught the flu bug from somewhere. So no cooking (and thus blogging) - I'm surviving on the above infusions and Geisha chocolates. Oh well, at least I have Nigel Slater's the kitchen diaries to read, home-delivered courtesy of Amazon..
* No more than 4 times a day, of course. The rest of the time it's a version of infusion du jour # 1 of one kind or another..
Poor Pille, take care of yourself and do get better!
Pille on haige!! Get better soon.
And put chicken soup on the menu.
Kiiret paranemist ja positiivset meelt!
PS! Loodan, et sa seda non-stop osa tõsiselt ei mõelnud. Paratsetamool on ikkagi ravim, ja nagu ka tabletti, ei tohi seda juhendis märgitust tihemini tarbida. :)
Siin vähemalt tundub, et kui ravimit teena serveerida (Coldrex, Theraflu, jne.), siis inimesed justkui unustavad, et toimeaine on sama.
Hope you feel better soon, Pille!
take care,
Dear Pille,
my recipe contains even some more ingredients (a lot of medicine in the last days),but I seem to be OK now. Take care and get better!!! drink enourmous amounts of tea
Commiserations! I would drop in to nurse you, since I don't seem to catch any bugs anymore, must be my snotty students, toughening me up over the years, but it's a bit off hand, a few hundred miles in between, sadly. Will be thinking of you though! Virus free kisses for now!
Get better soon, Pille. And stay in bed as long as you can. I never have the chance to do so and thus I have not been able to get totally rid of it for 3 weeks now... Do it better, and take care ! angelika
Dear Pille,
So sorry to hear that you came down with a cold - those viruses are just plain nasty. Hope you get better soon! Please be easy on the paracetamol, you don't want a liver transplant! Though with your dosage you should be fine.
Take care of yourself!!
Hope you feel better soon.
If these vitamins don't work, drop us a line and we will send you some local pills that always work;)! Get fine soon musi!
I'm keeping this recipe preciously since we tend to get sick around spring time.
Get well soon Pille.
Thank you so so so much everybody for your kind wishes - it was wonderful to see that somebody cared, and it surely made being sneezy and bunged up so much easier to cope with..
I'm all fine again, although I did have to stay indoors longer than I hoped. I had to skip a conference on Thursday afternoon (not too sad about it:), cancel a guest lecture I was supposed to give on Friday (sad about this), and also miss out on all the Estonian Independence Day celebrations on Friday night (very sad about this, as it would have included a fancy reception on an Estonian navy boat that was conveniently down in Leith, Edinburgh:)
Once again, thanks for being there. As for the blackcurrant infusion recipe - skip it. It's kind of bitter, and not good for you in large quantities. There are much nicer heart-warming drinks around:)
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