Yet K. insists the apple/crust ratio is wrong - he wants way more apples and a lot less pastry. Hence I'm looking for an even better recipe with more apples and less dough.
I'm thinking of trying Molly's good-looking one, especially as I've got a good bottle of Tokaji waiting to be consumed, and Molly claims it's a pairing made in heaven. However, I think I'd prefer one using shortcrust pastry instead of puff pastry.. Maybe I should attempt Clotilde's tarte tatin with salted butter caramel? What about this one from Epicurious using sour cream pastry?
Any other suggestions?
looks great as is! I think I have the same cookbook too!
It looks delicious your tarte tartin, Pille! I have to rembember to eat one. I'm off to France on Sunday:-)
That picture is making me hungry. I like mine with lots of pastry, so it sounds perfect. As far as the other choices, I'd go with salted butter caramel. That sounds delicious!
Next time, Pille, try dividing the pastry & make 2 tarts with thinner shells, & put 1 in the freezer. I loved reading Joanne Harris's fiction books. I bet her cookbook is just as fascinating.
Hi Pille! That looks amazing...all glisten-y and ready to be attacked! :) I can imagine it tasted delicious :)
All the recipes look great...I guess it just depends on your taste...Pene's suggestion is great and easy way to get your thinner pastry crust :)
I already posted the Canadian Apple Cake that I made...YUM! :)
Pene, I support your thinking :-)
minugi jaoks tähendab õunakook pigem rohkem õunu ja vähem tainast, parim variant tagurpidi õunakoogist on kindlasti tehtud muretaignaga ja korraliku karamelliga:) selle kallal pean veel natuke vaeva nägema, siiamaani pole kook piisavalt karamelline tulnud, aga eks kõike jõuab!
Looks very yummy to me. I haven't made tarte-tatin yet but the name alone makes my mouth water.
K & S - this was the first thing I cooked from JH's book, but the recipes look lovely!
Anne - I envy you! I've been wanting to go back to France since my first trip to Paris last May..
Natalia - I'll try Clotilde's salted caramel tatin soon, as I simply cannot resist the 'salted caramel' bit:)
Pene - that's a great idea, thanks!
Joey - I read your Canadian apple cake post - so pleased to hear you liked it..
K - I hear you, I hear you:)
Evelin - karamell tuli selle retsepti järgi vägagi korralik, aga tainakogust tuleb, jah, vähendada.
Veron - well, guess you need to make one soon then:)
This tarte tatin looks awesome.
Anyway, if you need the original (as far as i know) recipe, you should check this website
I'm following this recipe for years know and it is just plain delicious.
Hope this helps in your quest to prepare the perfect Tarte tatin.
Gilles (gilles.demarty (AT) gmail.com )
If you have any comments, email me ;)
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