Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Sherbet-coloured eggs dyed with hibiscus/karkade flowers, Tandoori curry powder, matcha tea and mate tea.
For last year's eggs see this post.


Anonymous said...

Happy Easter to you too. I chose the more traditional onion skins for my eggs this year and also integrated some red onion in the mix, so I got a deeper shade of maroon. Not as delicate as yours, though. x

Karolina Beaudet said...

Happy Easter Pille!!! The eggs look wonderful:)

Anne said...

Happy easter to you too! Your eggs are lovely indeed!

K and S said...

I love your natural easter egg dyes! Happy Easter!

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter!


Zarah Maria said...

Happy Easter to you, Pille!

ChichaJo said...

Happy Easter Pille! Those are such pretty eggs! :)

Those smoked salmon wasabi rolls below are so getting made!

lobstersquad said...

happy Easter! those eggs look lovely

Anonymous said...

The colors are so beautiful - I love that your dyes were natural. Hope you had a wonderful Easter!

ScienceMel said...

Lovely eggs, Pille. Thank you for the wonderfully natural coloring ideas.

aforkfulofspaghetti said...

So pretty!

Anonymous said...

Nii armsad munad tulid:) Me tegime sibulatega, aga punased nt ei jätnud üldse värvi peale. Oleks pidanud ka proovima kibuvitsa ja karkadet...

Trig said...

A bit late, but Happy Easter! You've posted some really good stuff this year.

maybelles mom said...

Lovely, lovely. we did turmeric as well as blue berry for ours. They were not as lovely as yours though.