Thursday, April 24, 2008

It's this time of the year again ...

Usually I would have this cake today. But as we're not having a party until tomorrow and tonight we're having dinner in this favourite restaurant of ours, we gave the cake a miss today. K. made me these yummy pancakes for breakfast instead, which we enjoyed with a delicious wild strawberry jam sent over to me by his mum (she keeps a jar for every birthday, you see).

Wish you a lovely day, everyone...

PS It's my birthday today, not K's :)


Anonymous said...

Palju õnne, Pille!

Pille said...

hip-hip ja palju õnne :-)

Dagmar said...

Happy birthday pille, I hope you'll have a wonderful day!!!

Krentu said...

Palju-palju õnne sünnipäevaks!

Anonymous said...

Many happy returns of the day!

lobstersquad said...

what restraint. theres´no way on earth I could keep a pot of that jam that long. not even for a birthday. lucky you! and happy birthday to K!!

Andreea said...

happy birthday to ... K :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

thepassionatecook said...

alles gute zum geburtstag! i wish i could bake you a cake, one of those elaborate austrian ones from the kaffeehaus cookbook... would that suit?
next time you come, ok? i promise. take me up on it! happy 25th! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Pille, paljupalju õnne sünnipäevaks !!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday Dear Pille, Happy Birthday to you ...

You see, in "my" family, we sing ...

Happy Day!

Patricia Scarpin said...

Happy birthday, dear Pille!

Gretchen Noelle said...

Feliz Cumpleaños!

Anonymous said...

Palju õnne minu poolt ka!

Kalyn Denny said...

Hope you're having a spectacular birthday! I think it's so fun that my blog was born on the same day as you were!

L said...

Palju õnne! Sõnnid ruulivad! :)

Zarah Maria said...

Happy Happy Birthday Pille!

Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) said...

Happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Palju õnne!

Klary Koopmans said...

Happy birthday Pille! I remembered it was your birthday, because it's my birthday tomorrow ;) Have a great party, can't wait to see what you're serving your guests!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, pille! :D

Katie Zeller said...

Happy belated Birthday - I hope it was a wonderful day - with lots of good food!

MyKitchenInHalfCups said...

Well, I'm really late. Hope you had a lovely day and that it's just a fabulous year!

Jeanne said...

Happy birthday! This looks like a pretty good reason to forego cake on your birthday :) Can't wait to hear about your "official" birthday dinner!

Shayne said...

Happy Birthday! I turned 33 on 4/22-Apirl Birthdays rule

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, I'm more than a bit late but I want to wish you a happy birthday anyway! Hope you had a wonderful, delicious day :)