Last Saturday our beautiful little daughter, Nora Adeele, turned one. Like every other parent, we are amazed how quickly time flies - it seems hard to believe that it's already been a year since she rushed into this world last January (see a post here). I've kept stories about her at minimum here at Nami-Nami, as I've been worried it'd turn into a mommy&baby blog in no time whatsoever :D But just to recap - she's been an excellent companion to us during the last year, and a healthy, curious and happy girl. She has a good appetite (we've been trying to follow the principles of baby-led weaning), but as she's also very active, she's a light one (just 8,5 kg this morning). Oh - and she's already been to Southern France (where she dined at two 3-Michelin-star restaurants :D) and to London, so she's a well-travelled little lady.
We celebrated this important milestone with a party and a cake. The party was attended by many of Nora's friend (she's very sociable and loves playing with other kids), and a delicious cake that was inspired by the famous Swedish Princess Cake - a sponge cake sandwiched with raspberries, whipped cream and curd cheese, and topped with marzipan. As you can see from the above picture, then Nora Adeele was thrilled about her first birthday cake :)
Here's another photo of Nora Adeele (and me), taken when she's about 6 month old.
Normal blogging will return as soon as I get over the shock that I'm a mother to a toddler already ;)
Very sweet!
Happy Birthday!!! I can assure you that the time flies faster and faster... It's hard to believe that mine Little Princess will be 13 this April... C'e la vie...
time sure flies! happy birthday!
What an experienced young lady: 2 x three Michelin stars before the age of one, wow!
The second picture is beautiful.
Õnne printsessile!
Oh Pille! She is beautiful!
Happy birthday little Nora! Hope you are enjoying your lovely cake :)
Such a sweet girl! I'm loving watching her grow up!
Happy birth day to your little angel.
Palju-palju õnne veelkord pisikesele armsale tirtsule ja emmele-issile ka!
Happy birthday to darling Nora!
She's adorable! Congratulations!!!
She is just precious. I think if I had a child, I wouldn't want to feature them too prominently on my blog either, but I'm glad you are letting us see her once in a while.
She's beautiful! Happy B-Day!
this is my first come to your blog,and i read agood information that you put in here..good job i like it
keep going thanks.
I'm a pile of mush right now.
Tahtsingi just sulle öelda, et tegin Õhtulehte eestikeelsetest blogidest ülevaate ja panin sinu eestikeelse portaali ka side-bari, aga sa oled juba jõudnud näha :)
wow one year already!! I like how she´s going for the marzipan roses ;) Congratulations!
Happy birthday Nora!
I hope you can meet Caroline sometime soon. She's getting used to snow!
Happy birthday, you gorgeous girl! Just look at those eyes!
And isn't she gorgeous!!!
Kallis Pille ta on sul nii armsake onnitlused tagant jarele
Belated happy birthday to you Nora Adelle..
You're so cute.. :)
And I love your eyes..
Nice blog with nice picture of cutie. He is adorable. it was nice going through your blog.
Nice photos - that cake looks very tasty and the baby looks very cute.
Otsin sobivat kooki meie beebi sunnipaevaks. Pille, kas oleksid nous jagama selle kauni koogi retsepti?
Palju onne ka armsa tytre puhul!:-)
Piret, pane Nami-Nami.ee lehele otsingusse Printsessi - seal on retsept olemas!
Pille, suur aitah viite eest!
Selle retsepti puhul oled kasutanud valget koogipohja, aga synnipaeva fotol tundub pohi olevat tumedam. Kas lisasid sokolaadi voi kakaod voi midagi muud? Kas soovitad pigem no tumedat voi heledat pohja selle koogile? Mul pole erilisi kogemusi kupsetamisega, aga vaga tahaks ise teha seekord...
Piret, see oli ikka tavaline võibiskviitpõhi, nagu Printsessitordi retseptis kirjas (võid ka poest osta). Lihtsalt pealt on kergelt pruuniks küpsenud :)
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