A super-quick last-minute dip idea that I make quite often. I love this one especially with nachos, though it also works well spread over crostini, especially those bite-sized onesd. However, I would only make it at the very last moment, as despite the addition of lime juice, this dip tends to turn from lovely green to not-so-lovely brown rather quickly.
Avocado and Blue Cheese Dip
Serves 4-6
75 grams blue cheese (I like Valio Aura)
4 Tbsp sour cream/creme fraiche/yogurt
2 ripe avocados
3 Tbsp finely chopped fresh (flat-leaf) parsley
2 Tbsp lime juice
freshly ground black pepper
sea salt
Smash the blue cheese with a fork, mix with sour cream until combined.
Halve the avocados, remove the stones. Scoop out the avocado flesh and smash with a fork. Stir into the blue cheese mixture.
Add the chopped parsley, season with salt, pepper and lime juice.
Serve at once.
Kust sa ostad avakaadot, millest mingit dippi teha saab? MIna osatn tihti avakaadisid ja jätan nad lauale küpsema. Viimane kord aga kivikõvad avakaadod ei küpsenudki, vaid hakkasid hallitama :)
noh nii- mingi kala mul sõnaga avokaado täna :)
NOPis on kahekaupa pakendatud, "Ready to Eat" silt peal - nendega pole ma kordagi alt läinud. Ent enamasti õnnestub mul ka üsna edukalt "tavalisi" avokaadosid järelküpsetada, kuigi enamasti vaid neid tumepruune krobelise koorega isendeid (Hass-avokaadod). Rohelisi sileda koorega avokaadosid nii kergesti mul järelküpsetada ei õnnestu.
This is a winner fo the simple fact you said avocados.
Oh yes, as soon as I saw the recipe title I knew I'd like it!
Now this is a very interesting combination! For the love of my hub, I'll make this just for him. He'll be over the moon. :) Let's just say Blue Cheese or Goat Cheese aren't for me.
I love the idea of combining blue cheese with avocado -- both creamy, but totally different yet complimentary tastes. It's also a great way to use an avocado that's just about past its prime.
I love avocado! I haven't thought of using it with blue cheese though. Anyway, I'd love to try your recipe. Thanks for sharing. Cheers.
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