I prebaked the puff pastry in a hot oven - not entirely happy how the edges broke slightly - and covered with slices of courgettes and tomatoes. Then I crumbled over some Roquefort cheese, drizzled the tart with some olive oil and seasoned with black pepper and Maldon sea salt and a sprinkling of sweet marjoram:

I put it back into hot oven for another 25 minutes or so:

The resulting tart was rather nice. I liked the fact that it didn't require any egg/cream mixture to bind the filling - which made the meal much lighter (if you can say that about a puff pastry tart, of course:)
For dessert we had some chocolate eclairs that Ryoko brought along, as well as some strawberries and honeydew melon. The dessert was consumed in front of the telly, watching Wong Kar-Wai's 2046. Whereas the 'prequel' In the Mood for Love is one of my all-time very favourite movies (saw it in the cinema several times, the soundtrack is one of my staple background CDs and got the DVD with all the extra features as soon as it was out), I still haven't made my mind up about this one yet. Too confusing, this travelling back-and-forth between 1960s and 2046. I guess I must watch it again..
Meanwhile, have to think of something to do with that big chunk of Brie now that I bought for the tart yesterday and didn't use...
Brie juustu piruka retsept
UPDATE 12 September 2005:
This post was mentioned as one of the Posts of the Week over at Too Many Chefs (THANK YOU, BARRETT!), together with a cheeky link to my Estonian site. You may have noticed that I provide a non-comprehensible link (i.e. in Estonian to an Estonian-language site) at the end of some of my posts. This is to make life easier for my few Estonian readers, especially my Mum (who speaks no English, but pops by occasionally to make sure I've been eating properly) and my sister (who speaks some English but would never try to cook something following English-language instructions). If there is a recipe to share, it's included in my post in lingua franca of foodbloggers, English.
Just stumbled upon your blog.. Its really well made.. Keep up the good work..
I live to eat and some of the stuff really sound awesome!!
Oh - I saw In The Mood For Love just a few weeks ago, after having said for years that I would borrow it. It's just so damn atmospheric, isn't it? I love the way the images and the music tell the story in place of constant dialogue.
And your tart look fabulous! Just the sort of thing I love.
oh! Now I can use up my squash.
I like the way you designed the pastry. Very nice! Very appetizing! ;-)
When "In the Mood for Love" was shown in my area, I did not see it although I was interested in it. I've forgotten about it until now and will look for the dvd.
Ritwik - thanks for visiting and hope you find something awesome to cook:)
Niki - it's indeed atmospheric! The music/light/images are doing the dialogue so well. So sensual..
Spinning Girl - was the recipe good use for your squash? :)
Paz - glad you liked the look of the pastry! And please let me know what you thought of the movie!!
Looks very good! Nice way to use up my tomatoes as summer draws to a close.
Tanvi - thanks! I still have the brie I bought, so I might try this tart again. And this time maybe in portion sizes..
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