I made a large batch of the quince paste, Dulce de Membrillo, last week. I used the same same old recipe that I've used previously and really liked the result. Rather conveniently, one local speciality store had a 9-month old Manchego cheese on offer last week, so we got to sample plenty of Membrillo the way you're supposed to - a slice of salty and crumbly Manchego cheese with a slice of sweet and sticky Membrillo paste (aka Manchego con Membrillo).
Highly recommended.

Eestikeelne küdooniamarmelaadi retsept on siin. Küdooniad ehk aivad on müügil suurematel turgudel (nt Tallinna Keskturg).
Looks good! Wish I could make them here in Thailand, maybe when I get back home.
I grew up eating this !! It's also an Argentinean tradition! Thanks for the memory!
What a glorious photograph. How do you keep the membrillo color so light and brilliant? My fruit always ends up very dark. Thanks for your blog!
Vaatasin piltide pealt, et kole tuttav asi, aga nimi mind kohe kuidagi ei kõnetand:)
Kui aga eestikeelset lauset küdooniamarmelaadist lugesin, siis selgus, et see ju sama asi, mida meil siin Ungaris küdooniaJUUSTuks nimetatakse. Sobiva juustu ja kreeka pähklitega üks imeline suupiste!
As Cristina said, this is a common thing in Argentina too, we call this "Postre Vigilante" ;)
Beautiful blog, btw :)
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